Monday 19 November 2007

The Noble Eightfold Path 八正道


1. Right View : right perspective, right vision or right understanding. This element of the Noble Eightfold Path refers explicitly to the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism, stating that these must be fully understood by the Buddhist practitioner.

2. Right Intention : can also be translated as "right thought", "right resolve", or "right aspiration" or "the exertion of our own will to change".

Ethical Conduct

3. Right Speech - as the name implies, deals with the way in which a Buddhist practitioner would best make use of his or her words.

4. Right Action - can also be translated as "right conduct" and, as the name implies, deals with the proper way in which a Buddhist practitioner would act in his or her daily life

5. Right Livelihood - is based around the concept of harmlessness, and essentially states that Buddhist practitioners ought not to engage in trades or occupations which, either directly or indirectly, result in harm to other living beings or systems.

Mental Development

6. Right Effort - can also be translated as "right endeavor", and involves the Buddhist practitioner's continuous effort to, essentially, keep his or her mind free of thoughts that might impair his or her ability to realize or put into practice the other elements of the Noble Eightfold Path.

7. Right Mindfulness - also translated as "right memory", together with right concentration, is concerned broadly with the practice of Buddhist meditation.

8. Right Concentration - together with right mindfulness, is concerned broadly with the practice of Buddhist meditation.

  • 正見 - 又作諦見。相對於妄想而言,指的是正確的佛理知見.
  • 正思维 - 又作正志、諦念。指正確思維,以引發起產生如理如實的智慧
  • 正语 - 又作正言、諦語。指純正淨善的語言,合乎佛法的言論。也就是不妄語、不慢語、不惡語、不謗語、不綺語、不暴語,遠離一切戲論。
  • 正嶪 - 又作正行、諦行。指正當的合乎佛教的活動、行為、工作。也就是不殺生、不偷盜、不邪淫,不作一切惡行。
  • 正命 - 指正當的謀生手段,即按佛教的標準謀求衣食住行的必需品,遠離一切不正當的職業。
  • 正精进 - 又作正方便、正治、諦治。謂正確的努力,止惡修善、去惡從善,自覺努力、令未生之惡心不生,已生者令斷;使未生之善心生起,已生的善心臻於完善。
  • 正念 - 指經由以上的階段修學佛法,由聞熏正見離開妄想起始,進而思惟修行正法,除去不如實不如理的妄想分別,精進正行努力不懈,憶持正法,明記佛法,念念不忘進修佛教真理。
  • 正定 - 又作禪法諦定,有別於外教法的禪定修證,而特別要求佛弟子對佛法要有堅定不疑的定見見諦。指經由以上的階段修學佛法,而發起了正念定見,對於如實如理佛法決定不疑,而正身端作,專心一志,身心寂靜,深入一心,精進禪法與禪定的修證。

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