Sunday 4 November 2007

LP Key - Wat Silamyong

There is something about this monk from Surin whom i wanted to share. I met an uncle yesterday. He told me, LP Key was one special monk who actually come up with almost S$5000 for someone whom he thought he can trust to do Charity work. To be precise, he used the donation he have from his temple, give the money to a group of people and told them to use the money in good ways, help the needy, do charity work. Wow, this is really something new. Usually, it's we people who give donation to temple and not the other way round. But with a heart of compassionate and for all we know S$5k is definitely not a small amount for the Thais, he offer his part of contribution.

I think this is a lesson which we must learn from him. Always have the compassionate heart. Help the needy. Action and not just by empty promises, though sometime people whom we trusted may not always be true to us, but so long as our mind and intention is clear, we shouldn't be too bothered about what others said about us.

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eckhart tolle