Sunday 18 November 2007

Incompatible Chinese Zodiac Sign


  • People born in the year of Rat ( 鼠) - Horse (马)
  • People born in the year of Cow (牛) - Sheep ( 羊)
  • People born in the year of Tiger (虎) - Monkey (猴)
  • People born in the year of Rabbit( 兔) - Rooster (鸡)
  • People born in the year of Dragon(龙) - Dog (狗)
  • People born in the year of Snake(蛇) - Pig ( 猪)
  • People born in the year of Horse(马) - Rat (鼠)
  • People born in the year of Sheep(羊) - Ox(牛)
  • People born in the year of Monkey(猴) - Tiger(虎)
  • People born in the year of Rooster(鸡) - Rabbit(兔)
  • People born in the year of Dog(狗) - Dragon(龙)
  • People born in the year of Pig(猪) - Snake(蛇)

    I wanted to come up with this topic because I was a victim. I was betrayed by someone who was my incompatible sign. I have always treated him like a younger brother/nephew, but i think I'm wrong. Anyway, I'm not going to be angry for long, in fact I'm not angry but disappointed because I don't see what have he got to gain by betraying me. Anyway, I'll forgive him and I really wished that he will come to his sense soon.

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eckhart tolle