Thursday, 31 January 2008

佛教小常识 - 卍字




Do Not Harm Yourself Needlessly

Suppose an enemy has hurt you in his own domain.
Why should you annoy yourself & hurt your mind in your domain?
In tears you left your family, who were kind and helpful always.
So why not leave behind your enemy & the anger that brings so much harm?
This anger which you embrace eats away at the very roots of all the virtues you strive to develop.

Who would be such a fool? Someone else does evil deeds & you get angry.

Why? Do you wish to copy him & act as he does?
Suppose someone, to annoy, provokes you to do some evil act.
Why allow anger to arise and thus do exactly as he wants you to do?
If you get angry then maybe he will suffer, maybe not.
But by feeling anger yourself - -You certainly do suffer.
If enemies blinded by anger are content to walk the path of woe,

Do you wish to follow them by getting angry yourself?
If a foe provokes you to hurt yourself by getting angry,

Let that anger subside. Do not harm yourself needlessly.

Arahant, Lohan 罗汉

Requested by friends to put up the infomation in English since I had given the information on Lohan in chinese before.

Arahant or Lohan is one who has followed the Eightfold Path and has achieved deliverance of this earthly existence. He has reached "the other shore" and is saved for all eternity. In him the asavas - the craving for sensual pleasures, earthly existence, ignorance and wrong views - are gone. He is subject to no more rebirths and karma.

Lohans are well-known for their great wisdom, courage and supernatural power. Due to their abilities to ward off the evil, Lohans have became guardian angels of the Buddhist temple and there in the main hall standing guard are the ever-present, indomitable-looking 18 Lohan figures.

According to tradition, there were originally only 16 lohans. Two were added on the list by the Chinese in the Tang Dynasty.
Legend has it that the first portraits of the 18 Lohans were painted by a Buddhist monk Guan Xiu, in 891 A.D. Guan Xiu lived in Chengdu, the capital of a small kingdom, the Former Shu, formed at the decline of the Tang Dynasty in what is today's Sichuan Province. He was adept at the scholarly pursuits of painting, calligraphy and poetry.
It was because of his expert painting skill that the Lohans chose him to paint their portraits. They appeared to him in his dreams to make that request.

The traditional order of the 18 Lohans is based on the order in which they appeared in Guan Xiu's dreams, not on the strength of their power.

The order are:

  • Deer Sitting (PINDOLA, the Bharadvaja)
  • Happy (KANAKA, the Vasta)

  • Raised Bowl (KANAKA, the Bharadvaja)

  • Raised Pagoda (NANDIMITRA)

  • Meditating (NAKULA)

  • Oversea (BODHIDRUMA)

  • Elephant Riding (KALIKA)

  • Laughing Lion (VAJRAPUTRA)

  • Open Heart (GOBAKA)

  • Raised Hand (PANTHA, the Elder)

  • Thinking (RAHULA)

  • Scratched Ear (NAGASENA)

  • Calico Bag (ANGIDA)

  • Plantain (VANAVASA)

  • Long Eyebrow (ASITA)

  • Doorman (PANTHA, the Younger)

  • Taming Dragon (NANTIMITOLO)

  • Taming Tiger (PINDOLA)
For a detailed version of the various Lohan, you may like to visit this website :

Wednesday, 30 January 2008


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The gift of food is useful only till hunger returns.
The gift of clothes is useful only till they are torn.
The gift of a house is useful only till it is dilapidated.
The gift of medicine only delays sickness and death.
But the gift of the Dharma protects a person
throughout his rebirths -
it even helps him break free from rebirth altogether.

If you spend most of your life,
lying to yourself and others,
your life is basically a lie,
self-deception -
not a true life,
not truly living.
It is the sustenance of delusion,
that only propels you into greater delusion.
But the moment you snap out of it,
you seek the Truth,
you become true to yourself
and your whole life turns around.
The Truth is always there -
you only need to turn around.


据说坤平出身于一个将领的家庭,天生聪慧、正直。年纪小的他已很讲义气,扬言长大后必效力国家,为帝王宝命也绝不言辞。他从小就学习武功,到年纪较长时已是十八般武艺皆精通,对骑马射箭更有他的一套,百发百中。由于他从小习武的缘故,所以他身材健硕,魁壮结实,加上他天生英俊非凡,真可说是一名标准的美男子。也因为家庭背景的助力,坤平自然而然也当上了当地的一名将领,后来要因为减赋有功而被封为将军。 将军他不但威勇善战,样貌更是俊朗不凡,深受女孩子欢迎,因此坤平妻妾之多无人能及,而且其中一名妻子更是邻国将军的女儿。 一次,坤平将军接到国家的命令,要攻打妻子的国家,便哀求丈夫不要攻打自己的家乡,但军命难为,坤平将军没有接受妻子的哀求,见丈夫不接受自己的哀求,便在坤平将军的食物中下毒,但坤平将军是天神化身,有天神秘佑,所以未能毒害坤平将军,事件已败露,坤平将军一时气愤,便张妻子杀死,但躺下后,坤平将军,才发现妻子已怀有身孕,便张死去的儿子,制成干骸佩带在身,以作记念,这就是现今人称金童子之鬼仔(泰国称作古曼童)的来历,坤平将军佩带了儿子的干骸金童子后,百战百胜,每当遇上危险都能化险为夷。 据说坤平将军喜爱斗鸡,斗鸡是泰国一种赌博活动,而坤平的斗鸡竟和坤平将军一样威勇善战,百战百胜,有神鸡称号。因此往后便有流传,坤平将军手抱神鸡的佛牌,会对赌运有所帮助。

Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Our Parent

There are two people you can never repay. What two?
Your father and your mother.
Even if you were to carry them on your back
and live a hundred years, supporting them, anointing them with medicines,
bathing and massaging their limbs
and wiping up their excrement after them,
even this would not repay them.
Even if you were to give them absolute rule over the whole world,
this would not repay them. And why?
Because parents do much for their children -
they bring them up, nourish them, they introduce them to the world.
But whoever encourages his un­believing parents to believe,
his immoral parents to be virtuous,
his stingy parents to be generous,
his foolish parents to be wise,
such a one by so doing does repay,
does more than repay his parents.

**My best friend's mum who was a very holy person was diagnosed with cancer. She said she have faith that Buddha will help her to pull thru this difficult stage. Me too, that's why I've been praying for her.

Daily Reading from the word of Buddha

A believer can be recognised by three things. What three? He desires to see those who are virtuous; he desires to hear the good Dhamma; and with a heart free from stinginess, he lives at home generous, clean-handed, delighting in giving, one to ask a favour of, one who delights in sharing things with others.

These ten things nourish the ten things that are desirable, liked, charming and hard to win in the world. What ten? Energy and exertion nourish wealth. Finery and adornment nourish beauty. Doing things at the proper time nourishes health. Friendship with the beautiful nourishes virtue. Restraint of the senses nourishes the holy life. Not quarrelling nourishes friendship. Repetition nourishes great knowledge. Lending an ear and asking questions nourishes wisdom. Study and examination nourishes the teachings. And living rightly nourishes rebirth in the heaven world.

"What do you think about this?" said the Lord. "What is the purpose of a mirror?"
"It is for the purpose of reflection, sir," replied Rahula.
"Even so, an action to be done by body, speech or mind should only be done after careful reflection."

Mahali said to the Lord: "Sir, what is the reason, what is the cause of doing, of committing an evil deed?"
"Greed, hatred, delusion, not paying proper attention and wrongly directed thoughts - these are the reasons, these are the causes of doing, of committing an evil deed."
"Then what, sir, is the reason, what is the cause of doing, of committing a beautiful deed?"
"Generosity, love, wisdom, paying attention and rightly directed thought - these are the reasons, these are the causes of doing, of committing a beautiful deed."

Monday, 28 January 2008


The definition of KARMA is stated as: "for every event that occurs, there will follow another event whose existence was caused by the first, and this second event will be pleasant or unpleasant." Karma is not about retribution, vengeance, punishment or reward; karma simply deals with what is.
The effects of all deeds actively create past, present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to others. Many that have believed in rebirth have believed that it may involve working off the karmic debt of past lifetimes and therefore hardship and sufferance in the present lifetime has often been attributed to any past life karmic debt, that has been brought forward by negative actions of past life onto the present life and incarnation, thus any present life suffering might be attributed as a consequenting result of the karmic laws and be seen as karmic debt and therefore unavoidable. The karmic laws being the laws that are thought to maintain an equilibrium through action causing reaction and for every action there will be consequenting reactions, therefore positive action is thought to result in positive reaction and negative action resulting in negative reactions, either in this present time or in some later incarnation.

Buddhism relates karma directly to motives behind an action. Motivation usually makes the difference between "good" and "bad", but included in the motivation is also the aspect of ignorance; so a well-intended action from a deluded mind can easily be "bad" in the sense that it creates unpleasant results for the "actor".

Sunday, 27 January 2008






Saturday, 26 January 2008











**韭菜芭城隍庙就有一尊天狗让人们祭拜. 地址: No. 15, Arumugam Road, Singapore 409960

Friday, 25 January 2008

Four Things Woman Win Power in this World

With four things women win power in this world, this world is in their grasp. What four? Concerning this, a woman is capable at her work, she manages the servants properly, she is loved by her husband and she guards his wealth.
And how is a woman capable at her work? Whatever her husband's home industries, whether in wool or cotton, she is deft and tireless, gifted with an inquiring turn of mind into ways and means and able to arrange and carry out the job.
And how does she manage the servants properly? Whether there be servants, messengers or workers in her husband's household, she knows the work of each and what has been done, she knows what has not been done, she knows the strengths and weaknesses of the sick, she divides the food, both hard and soft, ­according to their share.
And how is she loved by her husband? Whatever her husband considers unlovely, she would never do, not even to save her life.And how does she guard her husband's wealth? Whatever money, grain, silver or gold he brings home, she secures, watches and guards; never does she steal, misuse or waste it.

Thursday, 24 January 2008

Ti Tsang P'usa: Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva

Ti Tsang P'usa is an extremely popular Bodhisattva among the Chinese and Japanese Buddhists. 'Ti Tsang', meaning 'Earth-Store' is a direct translation of the Bodhisattva's name KSITIGARBHA in Sanskrit. Among the countless Bodhisattvas in the universe, he and three others have firmly captured the hearts of the Mahayanists.

These four main P'usas or Bodhisattvas are depicted in the Chinese Buddhist Pantheon and they represent four basic great qualities:
  1. KUAN SHIH YIN(观士音) as Great Compassion

  2. WEN SHU (文殊) as Great Wisdom

  3. PU HSIEN (普贤) as Great Love and Perfect Activity

  4. TI TSANG(地藏) as Great Vow to help and to deliver all beings.
Ti Tsang P'usa has often been mistaken by uninformed Buddhists to be Mogallana who was a disciple of Sakyamuni Buddha, because he too had a similar experience of descending to the Hell Realm to seek and save his mother. The stories may sound similar but they happened at different times and adopted quite different methods to save their mothers. Many others also tend to mistake Ti Tsang as Hsuan Tsang, the famous Tripitaka master of the Tang Dynasty who made the harzadous journey to the West to seek the Buddhist scriptures. This is mainly due to the Sangha robe and the five-leave crown which both are seen to wear. Ti Tsang P'usa is again taken by many to be "Yen-Lo-Wang" or Yama, the "Over-Lord of Hell." It must be mentioned that Ti Tsang is a Bodhisattva and not a mere King of the Fifth Hell. He does not judge the dead but seeks to save them from their suffering.

Ti Tsang may be represented in sitting or standing posture. He always has a kind and benevolent look and carries either, or both, his symbols of the Cintamani or "Wish-fulfilling Jewel' and the "Ringed-Staff", which is also called the Khakkhara. This ringed staff is often carried by Buddhist monks in their travels so that the sounds caused by the jingling rings can warn small animals and insects of their approach lest they be trod upon and killed. It is also sometimes called the alarm-staff. In the much treasured picture of Ti Tsang P'usa, which is found in many Buddhist homes and temples, he is seen seated upon a lotus throne. His hands holds the precious flaming pearl which has vast magical powers beyond description. He wears the robe of a Northern Buddhist monk and on his head is the "five-leave crown, where the representation of a Dhyani-Buddha can be seen on each of the leaves.Ti Tsang's compassion is not practised exclusively for the benefit of the beings of the hell realm, he also gives blessings to those of the world who seek his help and he is a comforter of the poor, oppressed, sick, hungry, and those who are troubled by spirits and nightmares. Those who have firm faith in him can easily receive his protection.

With faith one needs to recite any of these simple prayers:


The birthday of Ti Tsang P'usa falls on the 30th day of the 7th moon of the Chinese lunar calendar. All over the world Buddhist temples offer prayers to Ti Tsang P'usa during the 7th lunar month for the benefit of the dead. Ti Tsang's popularity among the Chinese and Japanese Buddhists is second only to Kuan Shih Yin P'usa as he takes upon himself the fearful and difficult task of bringing relief and consolation to the suffering beings of hell.

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Buddha's word on Wisdom & Self control

  • Thoughts of greed

  • hatred

  • harming.
These three types of thought cause blindness, loss of sight and ignorance, they put an end to wisdom, are associated with trouble, and do not conduce to Nirvana.

  • Thoughts of giving up

  • love

  • helping

These three types of thought give vision, seeing and knowledge, they increase wisdom, are associated with harmony, and conduce to Nirvana.

Look not to faults of others nor to their omissions and commissions.
But rather look to your own acts, to what you have done and left undone.
When one looks down on another's faults and is always full of envy, one's defilements continually grow; far is one from their destruction.

If only you would do what you teach others then being yourself controlled, you could control others well. Truly, self-control is difficult. You yourself must watch yourself. You yourself must examine yourself, and so self-guarded and mindful.

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Zeeba (Tibetan legend)

Zeeba or Zipak (Tibetan)

(First glance at the picture, we thought it's Rahu but after reading the story we realised it's not, but for sharing purpose, I've decided to write out. )

The Zipak originates in a Shaivite legend from the Shandha Purana. Shiva created a demon called Jalandhara from the blaze of his third eye. Jalandhara assumed great power and desired an incestuous relationship with Parvati, the consort of Shiva and Jalandhara’s adoptive mother. Jalandhara persuaded Rahu, one of his demonic friends, to demand Parvati’s favor. When Shiva got wind of this, he was understandably outraged, so his third eye blazed again. Thereby creating the Zeeba, who made a beeline to devour Rahu. Rahu decided that Zeeba was going to eat him bones and all and begged Shiva for mercy;whereupon, Shiva offered forgiveness and called off Zeeba. Because Zeeba had not had anything to eat since coming into the world and had been deprived of his only prey, he turned on himself and devoured his own body until only the head and hands remained. Shiva was very pleased with his handiwork and invited Zeeba to remain as the guardian to his door. Since then, he has become a reminder of the consequences of gluttony and greed and also stands as a guardian of practitioners. Zeeba’s finger point to his missing body to show what can happen when someone is overcome by avarice.

Sunday, 20 January 2008

Sharing - Wisdom

  • Wisdom is the light by day and Right mindfulness is the protection by night. If a man lives a pure life nothing can destroy him; If he has conquered greed nothing can limit his freedom.
  • One is to cultivate the seven factors of enlightenment: mindfulness, investigation into phenomena, energy, bliss, tranquility, concentration, and equanimity. [Buddha, Maha-parinibbana Sutta 9]
  • The thought manifests as the word; The word manifests as the deed; The deed develops into habit; And habit hardens into character. So watch the thought and its ways with care, And let it spring from love Born out of concern for all beings.

Saturday, 19 January 2008

Friday, 18 January 2008


Rahu swallowing the sun. (Image taken from Bali Sekala Niskala Vol. 1, Fred B. Eiseman, Jr., page 66.)
Rahu swallowing the moon. (Image taken from Island of Bali, Miguel Covarrubias, page 299.)

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Fengshui Tips

This year, 2008 the 5 Yellow star and the 3 Killings are both located in the south hence this may be a challenging year if the main entrance to your living space is in this direction.

Here are some general tips:
  1. Tai Sui (God of the year or Grand Duke Jupiter) occupies N2 direction (352.5° to 7.5° N). Do not challenge him by facing him when you’re seated. Instead, sit with him behind you to gain his support.
  2. The 5 Yellow enjoys peace and quiet, if your main door is located in the south, you should try using another door. If this is not feasible, place a big golden bowl of water in the south to please him.
  3. The 3 Killings are also in the south this year and contrary to the Tai Sui, you must always face them. For 2008, you’ll be in tune with the Tai Sui and 3 Killings if you sit facing south, provided south is one of your auspicious direction.
  4. Wu (Horse) is in direct conflict with Zi (Rat) because they are directly opposite each other as shown in the compass below. Please remember that you should keep the south direction quiet and peaceful, with minimm activities and noise. Do not undertake renovation, digging, construction or demoltion work in all the above mentioned sectors without the advice from your Feng Shui Consultants.
  5. Star # 2 is located in the NW, if you'd spend a lot of time here or if this is your bedroom, don't forget to place a Hu Lu for good health... get it activated as well.
  6. Star # 3 is in the west. This star represents conflicts, disputes, etc. when it's untimely, but it can also bring us abundance of wealth if timely.
  7. Star # 7 commonly known as Robbery star, occupies SW in 2008. When timely, it will bestow financial gain on us.
  8. Spend as much time as possible in the East and SE with your family in 2008, when timely, it will bring us happiness, success, and good fortune.

The above serve as a general guide, hopefully it will be useful.

Monday, 14 January 2008

Words from the Buddha - Right Companion

If the one who does no wrong
Follows one who is evil,
He himself will be suspected of evil
And his reputation will decline.

According to the friends one makes,
According to who one follows,
So does one become.
Like one's associates one becomes.

Follower and following,
Toucher and touched alike,
An arrow smeared with poison
Infects those arrows that are not poisoned,
So that all are fouled.

The upright person not wishing to be soiled
Should not keep company with the fool.
If one strings a piece of putrid fish

On a blade of kusa grass,
The grass will smell putrid too;
The same with one who follows the fool.

If one wraps frankincense
In an ordinary kind of leaf,
The leaf will soon smell sweet too;
The same with one who follows the wise.

Remembering the example of the leaf wrapping
And understanding the results,
One should seek companionship with the wise,
Never with the fool.

Sunday, 13 January 2008

Words from the Buddha- Winning Respect

One who is wise and disciplined,
Kindly always and intelligent,
Humble and free from pride -
One like this will win respect.
Rising early and scorning laziness,
Remaining calm in time of strife,
Faultless in conduct and clever in actions -
One like this will win respect.
Being able to make friends and keep them,
Welcoming others and sharing with them,
A guide, philosopher and friend -
One like this will win respect.
Being generous and kindly in speech,
Doing a good turn for others
And treating all alike -
One like this will win respect.

Saturday, 12 January 2008

Daily word of the Buddha

Greed is to be slightly blamed but it is slow to change. Hatred is to be greatly blamed but it is quick to change. Delusion is to be greatly blamed and it is slow to change.

Wisdom is purified by virtue, and virtue is purified by wisdom. Where one is, so is the other. The virtuous person has wisdom, and the wise person has virtue. The combination of virtue and wisdom is called the highest thing in the world.

The past should not be followed after,And the future not desired.What is past is dead and gone,And the future is yet to come.
But whoever gains insight into thingsPresently arisen in the here and now,Knowing them, unmoved, unshaken -Let him cultivate that insight.

Friday, 11 January 2008

Thai Amulet

One of the most unique and beautiful things you will experience in Thailand, are the amulet
that is made by the monks in certain Wats (Buddhist temples) to commemorate special events,festivals, or an anniversary.

For centuries, the monks have been crafting these little treasures. They come in all shapes and sizes, but generally, each Wat makes its own particular shape and size. Each amulet is infused with prayers, secret ingredients, and a little magic. They are said to endow their wearer with special powers, even up to the point of making the owner indestructable, and able to strike mortal terror into the heart of his enemies. Others are made to attract love, success, or happiness.
Possibly the oldest Thai amulets whose origins are traceable are the amulets from the Haripunchai period. Today this area is known as Lampoon province. Around 1,200 - 1,400 years ago there was a strong Mon/Burmese influence here and this area was its own distinct kingdom.
The first Thai amulets where made and blessed by devout monks and given to warriors and fighters to enhance and strengthen their ability to fight the enemies of Thailand. Many times the Thai amulets were worn as buttons or as talismans. This power then and today was acquired through a faith in the power of the Buddha and as protection against their enemies to be beaten, injured or killed in battle. Although the names of the kingdoms have changed and we have a host of new monks, the power and the belief in magical attributes of these Thai amulets remains very strong.

The collecting of these images is serious business in thailand. Great care is used to determine the age and authenticity of each piece. The most famous is the "Benjapakee" or "The Grand 5 Set".

The motif images of Thai Buddhist amulets were usually the Buddha, it was until the past century when images of Arahants (disciples of Buddha whom had achieved Nibbana), famous monks and Devas gained much more popularity. In fact, the Buddha had forbidden the worship of his images in attempt to achieve enlightenment, but rather achieve enlightenment through practising the Dhamma. The worship of Buddha's images may also lead to the wrong practise of worshipping idols instead of practising and understanding the Dhamma. No images of the Buddha were made during the life of the Buddha, and after the Buddha's passing away, Buddhist paid respect to the Buddha's relics, Stupas and to his footprints.

Thai Buddhist amulets are made by monks from since the last century. As mentioned earlier, the majority Thai Buddhist amulets depicts the image of the Buddha, however images of Arahants, popular monks and Devas had also gained popularity in recent decades, especially the images of popular holy monks. These images often bear words from Buddhist scriptures written or inscribed in old Khymer language scripts and contemporary Thai language scripts. The name of the particular monk and temple making and commissioning the amulet are oftenly also included on the amulet, along with the date it was made and issued. Yantra scripts and other Buddhist symbols such as images of Stupas, Bodhi leave, etc, are also oftenly included on the amulet.New period of Thai Buddhist images are made for a few purposes other than for Stupa storage, some common purposes are; to rise funds for the purposes of temple building or repair, fund rising for building hospitals, orphanages, etc.

Wednesday, 9 January 2008


I came across a website for Rev Luang Pu Hong, unfortunately, it was in Thai... I tried using a translator to read, not easy, but I'm really happy that someone actually came up with this idea. The web was nicely done up with pictures showing ceremonies conducted at the temple, biology of Luang Pu and many other more info.

If you would like to find out more about Luang Pu Hong and most importanly, if you can read thai, this is the website for you.

Thai Buddha for each day of week (part 2)

Thursday ( Jupiter ): Pharutsabodi (Brihaspati) is the heavenly seer who carries a slate and rides a deer. He corresponds to Jupiter, tutor of the gods. Thursday, his day, is dedicated to teachers.
Friday ( Venus ): Sukra, the god who presides over Friday, rides a bull. He is considered one of the heavenly seers as well as a tutor of the gods. He is the diety of wealth and fine art.
Saturday ( Saturn ): Phra Sao (Sani), equivalent to Saturn, with bow and trident in his hands, is considered the god of difficulty. The people who are born under the influence of Saturn are believed to fall easily into grief, despair, and difficulties. He is seated on his vehicle, a tiger.

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Thai Buddha for each day of week (Part 1)

Sunday ( Sun ): Phra Athit (also Aditaya or Suriya), the Sun, the god of light, is seated on his chariot of seven skyhorses driven by his rider, Phra Arun.
Monday ( Moon ): Phra Chan (or Chandra), the Moon, is a male deity who rides a chariot drawn by ten horses. His nature is suave and gentle.
Tuesday ( Mars ): Phra Angkhan (Angaraka) rides a water buffalo. He is Mars, the god of war, hard-work and conflict.
Wednesday ( Mercury ): Buddha is an Indian equivalent of Mercury and Woden. He rides an elephant. He is the deity of wisdom, communication and books.

Monday, 7 January 2008

Merit-making helps spirit rest

The ceremony helps the deceased to rest in peace.

Without dhamma or Buddhist chanting by monks, the spirit, with an unconscious mind, might be lost in an unknown destiny between the worlds of the deceased and the living.When their karma - activities that bring upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation - causes them to be born again, as only enlightened persons will not be born anew, they might suffer a sad fate.

For deceased royal personages, the ceremony must be held with elegance to honour those returning home in Buddhist heaven. In terms of deva-raja (god-king), which is based on Brahmin and Buddhist beliefs, royals, especially the king, are incarnations of god or angels in Buddhist heaven, coming to earth to take care of the people.
Although Thais nowadays do not believe in deva-raja, they feel it's more polite to say that their beloved royal personages have returned to their home in heaven.

In general, merit-making for the deceased begins on the first day of the funeral. The deceased will be laid on a bed with head turned to the west. The most respected or eldest person in the family will comb the body's hair halfway from front-to-back and halfway from back-to-front.After that, relatives and friends will sprinkle holy water on the right hand of the deceased.
At a later time, the deceased will be put into a coffin decorated with flowers and a photo of the deceased. When the monks finish preaching the fourth cycle of Phra Abhidhamma, a collection of analytical treatises based on lists of categories drawn from the teachings in the Buddhist discourses, close relatives will offer robes and necessities to the monks and the monks will pray for the deceased.
The merit-making ceremony might continue for three, five, seven or 100 days, depending on what the relatives agree to.
In the royal merit-making ceremony, honorary ornaments will be put in the front and to the side of a coffin including a golden urn decorated with golden flowers, golden and silver flower bushes and royal honorary necessities.
For the Princess Mother's funeral in 1995, His Majesty the King invited monks from nine royal Buddhist temples - Phra Chetupon, Saket, Maha That, Suthat, Chakrwat Rajawas, Rakang, Prayurawongsawat, Anongkaram and Rajasitharam - to preach Phra Abhidhamma at Dusit Maha Prasat Throne Hall for 100 days. After that, members of royal families, top government officials and other senior figures held the merit-making ceremony until February 29, 1996 - nine days before the royal cremation on March 10.
During that time, the special royal merit-making ceremony took place every Tuesday, the day the Princess Mother passed away.

*source :





Sunday, 6 January 2008

Lp Waen

There’s a story about a pilot of the Royal Thai Air Force, who, on a practice flight over Mae Pang mountain, saw a monk sitting in meditation upon a cloud, and he had to practice much skill in swerving away to avoid hitting the apparition.

Having grounded the plane, the pilot with his flight map in hand went scouting on the mountain, and there he recognized Luang Pu Waen as the monk he had seen in the clouds.

The news of Luang Pu Waen’s power of levitation and flying spread quickly – it was broadcast on the radio and splashed in the newspapers. And public's demand for his medallions soared.

Friday, 4 January 2008

You have a choice

When people talk or read about suicide, there are various reactions to it. Some may just shook their heads and say, " What a stupid thing to do. .." whereas some just feel a sense of remorse thinking how a life could’ve been saved if someone had just listened.

A life is wasted just to end their suffering or for some, other people’s sufferings. Sufferings that people often say that it could be solved. They always say that after the person has taken his life. They alway say " we’re here to help…"" blah blah blah..
By the time, it’s too late.
Living in regret after they’ve killed themselves will not rewind time.
You think if the person is alive and well, people around them will really come forward to help? Chances are .. VERY unlikely. Becos the problem to one person ( who is normal) may seem trivial but to one ( who is severely depressed), it may be deemed dead serious. Hence they will brush aside like many others will. To you, it may be ridiculous but to them,.. it’s not.

When there is a call for help, please don’t ignore it becos it is something preventable. Like I said before, blaming yourself afterwards won’t bring him/her back.

If you choose to ignore or rejest that call.. inevitably you will feel responsible for his/her death becos you were the last person he/she thought of, whom he/she felt reliant on and thought could possibly help him.. but unfortunately.. didn’t. And that is the saddest part.
Remembering them after their death is painful but relatively pointless becos they won’t know anyway.
As anyone who has been close to someone that has committed suicide knows, there is no other pain like that felt after the incident.
And for people who is thinking of committing suicide __ You have a choice. Live or die. Every breath is a choice. Every minute is a choice. To be or not to be.

Thursday, 3 January 2008

出家仪式变枪战 1死12伤






曼谷市長迎請神聖佛像 供民眾膜拜

曼谷市長阿披叻30日主持迎請神聖佛像到皇家田廣場供奉儀式,供廣大民眾在新年期間前往膜拜祈福。阿披叻強調,今晚在中央世界廣場和皇家田廣場將舉辦的新年倒數計時活動,安全工作已全面就緒。 阿披叻市長昨天和曼谷市政府官員一同主持迎請神聖佛像到皇家田廣場中央供奉儀式,以讓廣大佛教善信前來膜拜祈福。阿披叻市長為佛像安座舉行點燭,意味著曼谷市慶祝新年活動正式拉開序幕。佛像將供奉在皇家田廣場直到2008年1月1日。每天早上6時45分將為181名僧人進行齋僧。而皇家田廣場舉行的新年倒計時慶祝活動,將以彩燈和音樂為主,並突出曼谷王朝的文化特色。


HRH Princess Galyani Vadhana passes away

Her Royal Highness Princess Galyani Vadhana passed away at Siriraj Hospital, announced the Royal Household Bureau. She was 84.The Princess' condition worsened on Tuesday night and she passed away at 2.54 am on Wednesday January 3, 2007.
The Princess had been received treatment for cancer at the hospital for months. Well-wishers had flocked to the hospital since the news spread that she was admitted.
The Princess is the elder sister of two kings of the Chakri Dynasty - King Rama Ananda and the present King Bhumibol Adulyadej.
The royal funeral will take place at the Dusit Mahaprasart Throne inside the Grand Palace. Public who wants to pay respect to the late Princess should head to Sala Saha Thai Samakom inside the grand palace from 1pm to 4pm today.
The mourning period has started from today until the 100th day of her departure, according to the Bureau.
Shortly after the news of her death was announced, people in black dress rushed to the hospital to pay respect to the Princess portrait.
At the time of the announcement, all members of the Royal Family were still on the 16th floor of the hospital a huge crowd was waiting to have an audience with His Majesty the King.
The hospital decorated inside the Chalerm Prakiart Building with black and white clothes to mourn the departure of the Princess.


皇姐昨驾薨 享年84岁






Tuesday, 1 January 2008


May This New Year -

Bloom with Happiness & make your heart Replete with Joy





eckhart tolle