Monday, 31 December 2007



其实对一般人而言,佩带任何一种佛牌,都会对运程及各样都会有所帮助。但如果是有所求的人,就好像想请尊佛牌佩带,帮助人缘或财运或特别要帮助一样事情,便应该要请教对佛牌有所研究的人。 泰国佛牌虽然全都是能辟邪、挡险、助运程、保平安,但原来部份泰国佛牌是会对其中一种功效方面,特别灵验.
  • 好像坤平将军 - 人缘方面特别灵验

  • 招财女神 - 利财运

  • 拍洛佛牌,助运程,避官非等等,




其实不管我们是否有佩带佛牌,我想只要我们平日多做善事,积德,天上的神佛自然会保佑我们。人最重要的是 - 行得正,坐得正!

Sunday, 30 December 2007



  • 佩带佛牌不可进行性行为,性行为时必需将佛牌除下。

  • 除下的佛牌不可放置於太低的地方(低过腰间),包括裤袋。

  • 依古时留传,佩带泰国佛牌,必需以单数佩带,例如一尊、三尊、五尊、七尊.....,如此类推。


Friday, 28 December 2007




  • 游览佛寺前,先检查一下衣着,袒胸露背者及穿短裤、背心者是禁止入内的,甚至衬衣没塞进裤子、袖管翻卷在胳膊上的人也不准进佛寺的门。
  • 游客在进入佛殿前还要脱鞋,否则,会被视为沾污佛堂。
  • 游客如果对寺庙、佛像、和尚做出轻率的举动,就被视为罪恶滔天。拍摄佛像尤其要小心,绝对不可爬上佛像拍照。
  • 不要触摸佛像,不要爬上寺院内外的任何一尊佛像。对所有佛像,不管大小都要尊敬。
  • 不要把佛像放在裤袋内,泰国人认为身体的下部接触佛像是对佛像的亵渎。
  • 不能手指僧侣,不能接触(身体)僧侣。尤其女性不许与僧侣握手,在汽车上不许与僧侣邻坐,即使是僧侣主动前来打招呼(外国女性常遇到)也应礼貌地拉开距离。女士若想将东西奉给僧侣,宜托男士转交,如果要亲手赠送,那么僧侣便会张开一块黄袍或手巾,承接该女士交来的东西,过程中僧侣是不容许碰触女性的。
  • 遇女尼时,男子亦要小心不要触及她们身体。
  • 遇见托钵化缘的和尚,千万不能送现金,因为这是破坏僧侣戒律的行为。
  • 晴天路遇和尚时,如果从和尚面前经过,必须绕开和尚的身影。按佛教说法,和尚的身影即和尚本人,跨越和尚的身影,等于跨越和尚,这是对和尚不尊重的表现。
  • 在给僧侣拍照前,应先征得同意,拍照后应有礼貌地表示谢意。

Thursday, 27 December 2007

Rahu and Ketu - Folktales

Long ago there was a great war between the Asuras (demons) and Devatas (gods). The Devatas were routed in the war and they went to Lord Brahma to seek his help. Brahma told them to churn the ocean.As a result they would be able to obtain Amrit (nectar) which would make them immortal and all powerful and after consuming it they would be able to defeat the Asuras. Churning the ocean was a very big job and so the Devatas sought the help of the Asuras. The king of the serpents Vasuki was to become the rope, while a hill named Mandrachal offered to become the pivot. Lord Vishnu, in the form of a tortoise, became the base and the churning process began.

The Devatas held the tail of Vasuki and the Asuras held the head. Various things came out, during this churning of the ocean. There was a pot of Vish (poison) which created havoc in all the three worlds. Lord Shiva drank the poison to save the world, but he did not let the poison go beyond his neck which became blue in color. That is why Lord Shiva is also called 'NeelKant' ("one with a blue neck").

At last Dhanvantari came out with a pot of Amrit and immediately there was a mad scramble for it among the Devatas and Asuras. Seeing this, Lord Vishnu took the form of Mohini (a beautiful dancer) and offered her services in distributing the Amrit equally to both the Asuras and Devatas. She made both of them sit in two different rows but she gave the Amrit to the Devatas only. Towards the end, one of the Asuras saw through her trick. He went and sat among the Devatas and drank the Amrit. The moment Chandra (Moon) and Surya (Sun), who were sitting besides him, saw that he was a Asura, they informed Mohini. Lord Vishnu came in his real form and let out the Sudarshan Chakra (wheel) at the Asura. The Asura's neck was separated from the body, but he did not die as he had drunk the Amrit. His head was called 'Rahu' and his torso 'Ketu'.

According to legend, Rahu and Ketu swallowed the moon and sun to have their revenge, causing an eclipse.

Source : Encylopedia Mythica

Tibetian depiction of Rahu

A Tibetian depiction of Rahu (Rahula) with 9 heads and a face in his belly, the mouth of which swallows up the moon or sun during eclipses.

Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Quotes by Buddha - Anger

  • Anger will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind. Anger will disappear just as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten.
  • Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else, you are the one who gets burned.
  • Everything is changeable, everything appears and disappears; there is no blissful peace until one passes beyond the agony of life and death.
  • Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures, that the final victory comes.

Times of luxury do not last long, but pass away very quickly; nothing in this world can be long enjoyed.

I'm really sicked of repeating to myself - Tomorrow will be better! but what can I do except this..... oh ya, Pray... Pray hard.. Pray harder...

Tuesday, 25 December 2007





Sunday, 23 December 2007

Rub Bua Festival

Locals from Bang Phli in Samut Prakan pay respect to the revered Buddha image, Luang Pho To, by throwing lotus flowers.

One of the famous festivals in Thailand marking the end of the Rains Retreat is the "Rub Bua Festival" in Bang Phli in Samut Prakan. This means "to receive lotus flower" but it is also called "yon bua" which is a better description.

This literally means to throw lotus flowers which is exactly what happens. The people of Bang Phli, and from far around, come to the temple at Wat Bang Phli Yai Nai to pay respect to the revered Buddha image called Luang Poh To. A replica of this sacred image is put on a boat which then goes up and down the canal in order for people to pay respect. They do this by throwing lotus flowers onto the boat. There are always thousands of people attending and it is complete chaos. Certainly worth attending if you are in this area at the end of the Buddhist Lent next year
Bang Phli is a district with an abundance of lotuses. The morning of the 14th full-moon night of October is the day before the end of the Buddhist Lent. Buddhists come here to pick the flowers for offerings to monks according to tradition. The people of Bang Phli regard this as great merit so they volunteer to keep the flowers for distribution to visitors who row to the district to receive them every year. This is to provide facilitation and is a way to jointly make merit. This tradition has become the "Rap Bua" (lotus receiving) festival.
These lotus flowers are meant as homage to the Triple Gem -- the Lord Buddha, Dhamma and the Sangka. Besides, the Bang Pli local People will also throw lotus flower onto visitors’ boats as a gesture to invite them join in their merit-making.

Friday, 21 December 2007

Yantra, Or Holy Tattoos.

Yantra, or Tattoos, used in Cambodia and Thailand, are believed to have magical powers. There are legends of some old people in Cambodia today who believe they will NEVER die because they have a tattoo which grants them eternal life.

The belief in the magic of tattoos is just one of many animistic elements which have remained a part of everyday Cambidian life for centuries. Even in the face of conversion to Buddhism, the belief in magic and "Spirit power" persists.

Tattoos were very common in olden times. During the 13th century, a visiting monk from China, Zhou Daguan wrote that the King of Angkor's body was inlaid with a piece of sacred iron in such way that even knives and arrows hitting his body, could not wound him.

During the Vietnam War, religious medallions carried by Cambodian soldiers would be covered back and front with tattoos to protect them from bullet. Khmer soldiers even put their religious medals in their mouth before an especially dangerous assult.

The base for many tattoos is geometrical figure. The figure will be overlaid with images of Buddhist and Hindu deities, accompanied by scriptures or mantras written in Pali or ancient Khmer. One was said to give you the power of command. But it was not all about power. One was said to make the bearer more attractive so people would naturally fall in love with him.

Believe it or not.....

Thursday, 20 December 2007


龙婆班大师出生在佛历2418年,泰国呀唷挞也俯. 他的左手尾指生有红色胎印,所以男婴父母为他起名为班(班即为胎印的意思),而这名称班的婴孩,便是我们所认识的龙婆班大师。


大师在佛历2438年4月1日出家, 正式成为屈班林哥寺的僧侣。为大师主持出家仪式是屈班甩么佛寺的龙泡船大师,其后大师不断钻研佛学,更跟随龙泡船大师,学习了多种不同的佛法法门,还学习到医术方面的知识大师跟随龙泡船大师学习完毕后,继续不停钻研,其间很多善信求教及治病,部份善信更要求拜大师为师,僧侣便要求大师成为佛寺住持,但大师并没有接受任何要求,大师只说自己道行还未够,还要继续求法学习。其后大师果真不断到处求法,到过多位高僧处学习,其中如屈找七佛寺的龙泡前大师、屈铁官所跟佛寺的龙泡登大师、屈萨既佛寺的亚赞钻大师、屈内佛寺的龙婆林大师、屈矿乜登佛寺的龙婆龙大师、屈七朗佛寺的龙婆车大师等等.大师经过不断学习、求法、修行,其佛法经已十分高深,如利用法力为骨折病人接骨、驱邪、解降、医治各种疾病、成就多种不同佛法法门,但大师还经常将求法、学习挂在口边,就大师这种德行及精进,是很值得我们学习 往后大师还是在不断学习,及于屈班龙和佛寺为善信们作法事、治病、教导佛法,来请大师求教的善信非常之多,而且很多僧人都来向大师求法,拜大师门下大师就是这样一直教导善信及弟子,普渡众生,还一边自已不断学那钻研,希望能成就更多法门,能够帮助更多众生日子渐渐过去。




著名高僧銮达波昨天向中央银行捐献48条黄金锭,总重600公斤,价值5亿1200万铢。移交仪式在曼谷佛教城三路的「萱盛探」(佛光园)修行场所隆重举行。 这是銮达波高僧自1997年发生金融危机以来,第14次向中央银行捐献黄金锭。据统计,14次捐献的黄金锭总共有931条,总重1万1630公斤,还不包括1080万4489美元现金。这些黄金和美元是由这位高僧在全国的善信捐给的,銮达波高僧强调,捐给中央银行的黄金和美元,必须用作国库储备黄金和外汇存底,以提高国家金融和经济稳定,化解金融危机。 在朱拉蓬公主的赐主持和见证下,銮达波高僧昨天下午把这批黄金锭移交给中央银行行长她丽莎女士,移交仪式在曼谷佛教城三路的「萱盛探」(佛光园)修行场所隆重举行。

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Om Mani Padme Hum 嗡嘛呢叭咪吽

'Om Mani Padme Hum' (translation: Hail the jewel in the lotus) is a six syllable invocation (mantra) of Avlokitesvara, one who is invoked as the Protector from danger.
It is claimed that one who recites this mantra will be saved from all dangers and will be protected. This mantra is widely used in Mahayana Buddhism. One can find this mantra inscribed on rocks, prayer wheels, stupa walls, loose stones heaped as Mani (jewels) on roads, paths, mountain passes, the approaches and exits of villages. One can find this Mantra inscribed outwardly in the prayer wheels with millions of this mantra inscribed on paper inside the prayer wheels. The devotee turning one round of the prayer wheel means he recites this mantra millions of times.
As this mantra is thought to save one from all dangers, it is widely used in pendants, rings, etc.

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Luang Phor Pahn - Wat bang Nom Kho

16.7. BE2418 – 26.07.BE2481

Luang Por Pahn was the 3rd abbot of Wat Bang Nom Koh. He was borned on 16th July BE2418 in Jangwat Ayuttayah. He came from a farmer family. He was just borned with a red birth marks on his left hand, so his parents named him as "Pahn", which means birth marks in Thai.

He ordained as a monk in 1st April BE2438 at the age of 21 years old. His preceptor was Luang Por Sun from Wat Pahngplahmor. Luang Por Joi Wat Bahnpaen and Pra Ah Jahn Oun Wat Sutahpoh were his dhamma teachers. Luang Por Pahn ordain name was Sohnantoh. After he became a monk, he learned from Luang Por Sun Wichah. Luang Por Sun taught Luang Por Pahn everything he knew about Wichah (magic chant), sammahdti and especially the skills to cure people from illness and black magic (during that period, there were very few doctors, so some monks learned this skill of curing the sick). After learning from Luang Por Sun, Luang Por Pahn went to Tudong alone in deep forest, but not too long he met some monks who later became his disciples. He went Tudong from Ayuttayah to as far as near Burma in the North West of Thailand.

Luang Phor Parn was a meditative guru monk and also had magical knowledges. On Buddhistic Dhamma, it was recorded that he reached the great six knowledges of miracle. So he possesses knowledge on precognition, out-of-body ability, mind detecting, and performing comprehensive paranormal phenomena,etc. Apart from these abilities, he also possesses the highest state of Wipassana or knowledge on mind cleaning to stop next rebirth. But he intended to become a future-to-be Buddha, his aspiration called in Thai " Prathana Buddha Bhummi". To achieve this goal, he did a great deal merits, building more than 41 temples and many chanting halls in Ayuthaya, Saraburi and Lopburi without asking any help from the government. The money were from the making of amulets and donations from devotees. He also had intensified great Dhamma practices which automatically cleaned and "distilled" his inner body(astral body) to become crystal-like state and changed his body's cells immortal. This is the reason why his body undecayed after he passed away.

Luang Phor Parn is worshiped as one of the top 10 greatest guru monks of present-day Thailand. He was the closest disciple of Luang Phor Niam Wat Noi, Suphanburi, and also a disciple of Luang Phor Nong Wat Klong Madarn. His two great teachers passed away undecayed. When Luang Phor Parn passed away in B.E.2481(July 26th), his body was also undecayed as same as his teachers'. In B.E.2476, five years before he passed away, he had announced to all his disciples the date and time of his death. His precognition was quite clear and exactly correct, he passed away on the date and time he had foretold.

Monday, 17 December 2007



















Sunday, 16 December 2007

Luang Poo Waen

Luang Pu Waen BE2431 - 02.07.BE2528

Luang Pu Waen was born in BE2431 at Loei province, northeast Thailand. At the age of 13, he became a novice monk at Wat Poh Chai and studied Dhamma and Pali, showing exceptional ability even at young age. He went Tudong with his Teacher, Ajahn Wuan, travelling to Ubon province where he remained to learn Dhamma from Ajahn Sing. During his Tudong, he met many disciples of Ajahn Man telling him how good he was, hence Luang Pu Waen wished to meet Ah Jahn Man and become his disciples. In BE2462 Luang Pu Waen finally met Ah Jahn Man at Bahn Kor forest, Udon Thani province and became his disciple. Both he and Ah Jahn Dteu went Tudong again.
During the period in Tudong, he endured many difficulties such as ghost, wild animals and many other danger but he was never afraid. He spent most of his monkhood as a forest monk, travelling from one province to another on foot, going as far as Laos, Cambodia, Burma and even Vietnam.

At BE 2470 Ajahn Man officially accepted him as his disciple and he studied Dhamma at Wat Jedi Luang.
He went Tudong in chiangmai and stayed at Wat Huainumrin for 10 years. During the stay, he spent most of the time in forest and only return to the temple during the Khao Pansa. In BE2505, Ajahn Noo, the abbot of Wat Doi Mae pang ask him to stay at the Wat as he treated Luang Pu Waen as a teacher. He became the abbot of Wat Doi Mae Pang after Ajahn Noo passed away and he too, living the life as a forest monk all the time in a small hut away from the temple. He was very skillful in Sammahti and Dhamma.

The most unique nature of Luang Poo Waen, was that he did not like crowded places and loved to live alone in the forests
Chao Khun Nor ever mentioned"There is a Phra Arahang, but he lives far away, in the forest hill."

Luang Pu Waen passed away peacefully on 2nd July BE2528.

Saturday, 15 December 2007

Tai Sui

The Tai Sui 太岁 are stars directly opposite of Jupiter. They influence the Chinese zodiac, and are also a theory in Taoism and Feng Shui.
In the Chinese zodiac, there are sixty heavenly generals who assist the Jade Emperor in taking charge of the well-being of the Mortal World. Each of them takes turn to be in charge for a year. Due to most of them having a military background, they are normally known as the Military Generals, or as the Cycle Gods. Each of their features and weapons signifies the well-being of that year. For example, if the Tai Sui of the year is one who holds a pen, it signifies political unrest for that particular year. On the other hand, if the Tai Sui of the year holds a spear or sword it signifies the need to work hard and excel for that year.
In Taoism, those who offended, or by their sign conflict with the Tai Sui of the year are advised to go through a prayer session with a Taoist Priest to ask for blessing in obtaining Peace and Good Fortune throughout the year. Talismans thought to protect again Tai Sui are sold in many areas.

The Taoist calendar is organized into a series of twelve "earthly branches" which rotate according to the five elements. The result is a sixty year cycle (in Chinese, the first year in the cycle is the "jia" year, while the last year in the cycle is the "zi" year). Taoists believe that the Heveanly heirarchy, under the leadership of the Jade Emperor, has assigned sixty Heavenly Generals, each with their own characteristics, temperments, abilities, etc., to rule the years of the Jiazi Cycle. People tend to take on the personalities of the Taoist Deity governing the year of their birth. The Deity also takes a special interest in the lives and affairs of those born under his reign. He functions in that respect as a type of "Guardian Angel." The Heavenly Generals are frequently asked to intercede on behalf of their "God-children" in matters dealing with higher ranking Taoist Deities. A normal person, for instance, rarely calls upon the Jade Emperor, but might frequently ask his or her Heavenly General to do so on their behalf.

In Feng Shui, the area of the house corresponding with the position of that year's Tai Sui is to be left undisturbed or misfortune will befall the residence.

Next year's (2008) Tai Sui General will be General Zou Dang.
Those whose chinese Zodiac sign - Rat , Rabbit, Horse and Goat are advise to pray to the Taisui.

2008 太岁




  • 刑~~ 即满的意思,即生肖五行过旺,旺极而衰的现象,刑亦残缺及转衰之象。

  • 冲~~ 即冲着而来的意思,有相战的味道,是四种之中最猛烈碰撞的一种。

  • 破~~ 即有散乱及移动之象,破不及冲及刑的碰撞猛烈,是较为轻微的一种冒犯。

  • 害~~ 即与另一个生肖不能相合,命理称为破合,即强行分开。

鼠-犯刑 馬-犯沖 兔-犯破 羊-犯害






Phra Phuttasihing - Phra Sihing

The Phra Singh Buddha has been a significant Buddha image of the Thai lanna people for many years. However there is uncertainty as to how the image came to Lanna. A copy of the Pala school image in high relief may have been brought back to Chiang Mai in 1455, along with the plans of the Mahabodhi temple, which formed the basis for Wat Jet Yod. The Lanna sculptors who were of the Sukhothai school would then have made copies as bronze images in the round. Thus the "lion" style images of Lanna combine the flowing grace and posture of the Sukhothai school with features of the Pala school of India.
Another theory suggests that can original Phra Sihing image came from Sri Lanka via Nakhorn Sri Thammarat, where a similar "lion" style image is kept. In 1661 King Narai had the Phra Sihing taken to Ayutthaya, but Lanna soldiers fighting with the Burmese are said to have recovered it at the sack of Ayutthaya in 1767. The existence of yet another old "lion" style image at the National Museum in Bangkok suggests Lanna craftsmen made several copies. One thing is certain, at least, and that is the image in the Viharn Lai Kham is a replica, for the "original" is located in the Chiang Mai National Museum.
Lanna images were not only of the lion style, however. King Tilokarat also ordered images made reproducing other schools such as that of Sukhothai and U-Thong. These mixed style images were produced throughout Lanna.

On the day of the Songkran Festival , the Phra Singh Buddha is espectfully mounted on the royal carriage , and travels in a procession around the city of Chiang Mai, so that Chiang Mai people can pay homage in a traditional manner to the image.

During the Songkran festival Chiang Mai people will process the Buddha image around the town for traditional bathing.

Friday, 14 December 2007

Wat Thai Watthanaram – Mae Sot district.

It is a Tai Yai Mahayan Temple, built in 1867. It contains one of the most beautiful Buddha, Phra Phuttha Maha Muni, which is a Mandalay-style image, built for Tai Yai people who cannot visit the original image in Burma. The image is located in a Burmese palace-style building. Behind the meeting hall is a hugh white reclining Buddha image.

Thursday, 13 December 2007

Phra Phutthasothon-Wat Sothon

Wat Sothornwararamworaviharn or Wat Hong is the oldest temple in Chachoengsao Province.
The temple is located within the town Chachoengsao on the banks of the Bang Pakong River'

Built in late Ayutthaya Period, with its original name of Wat Hong, it is the location of Phra Phutthasothon or Luang Pho Sothon, the important Buddha image in the attitude of meditation with a width of 1.65 meters and a height of 1.48 meters high.

According to the legend, this Buddha image had been floated along the river, before being placed here at this temple. The original image was a beautiful Buddha image, but later on cement was placed on the image to prevent from burglary. Worshippers from all walks of life come to pay respect to this most reputed image by pasting gold leaves on the image.

Many Thais pay respect to Phra Phutthasothon which is one of the moset revered in the country. There is a legend that Phra Phutthasothon is one of the three brothers that fled from the ravages of war during the Ayutthaya period. They just got up one day and jumped into the river. One of them ended up at Samut Songkram. Another ended up in Samut Prakan. The third arrived in Chachoengsao. In each case, the Buddha images only came to shore when the local villagers paid proper respect. Efforts to retrieve it were unsuccessful until a villager had a small shrine erected on the site and performed a ceremony welcoming the image to the community.

There are a total of 3 celebration in a year -

  • Around April to celebrate the occasion of lifting Luang Pho Sothorn from the river. Open theatres are provided all through these three days and three nights.

  • Around November to commemorate the occasion of subsiding of smallpox in 1890 as it was believed that due to the help of Luang Pho Sothon. Performed on the eve is the chanting of sermons whereby magical power is instilled in Luang Pho votive tablets. A procession of a Luang Pho Sothon reproduction is held both on land and the water. Red Cross Festival is held at the same time at Somdet Phra Srinagarindra Park.

  • Around February (Chinese New Year Festival). This lasts 5 days 5 nights. A large crowd of people from every direction come to the temple to pay respect to Luang Pho.


Wat Pa Lelai stands just south of Wat Chimphli on Koh Kret. It is now a deserted monastery and te only remaining structure is an Ayutthaya-style congregation hall. In front of the hall a Buddha image with a monkey and an elephant represents the generally entitled Phra Phuttha Palelai image ( Rahu). This episode in Buddha gestures means that His needs were taken care of even by the members of the animal kingdom.

This is a good image for those born on Wednesday evening.

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Introduction of Rahu in Japanese

ラーフ ラーフ(Rāhu)は、インド神話に登場する、4本の腕と1本の尾をもつアスラの名。あるいはインドの天文学におけるナヴァ・グラハという9つの惑星(九曜)の1つ羅睺(インド占星術参照)。神話によると、乳海攪拌のあと、神々とアスラは不死の霊薬アムリタをめぐって争い、アムリタは神々の手にわたった。神々は集まってアムリタを飲んだが、その中にラーフというアスラが神に化けてアムリタを口にした。それを太陽と月が発見し、ヴィシュヌ神に知らせた。ヴィシュヌ神は円盤(チャクラム)を投げてラーフの首を切断したが、ラーフの首は不死になってしまった。そして天に昇り、告口したことを怨んで太陽と月を飲み込んで日蝕や月蝕を起こす悪星になったという。一方、ラーフの体も天に昇ってケートゥという凶兆の星になったとされる。

**Note: for the reading pleasure of my dear friend from Japan

Introduction of Rahu in French

Râhu est le démon de l'éclipse, l'un des Navagrahâ.À l'origine il était doté d'un corps comme tous les asura. À l'issue du Barattage de la mer de lait, il déroba l'amrita - la liqueur d'immortalité - mais fut dénoncé par le Soleil et par la Lune. Avant qu'il n'eut fini de boire la liqueur, sa tête fut tranchée par Indra, demeurant seule immortelle. Il erre depuis dans l'espace et pour se venger du Soleil et de la Lune, tente de les dévorer. Mais comme il n'a plus de corps, ceux-ci s'échappent. C'est une éclipse.

**Note: For the reading pleasure of my dear Friend from Paris.


The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worthwhile.

When you step into a turnaround situation, you can safely assume four things: morale is low, fear is high, the good people are halfway out the door, and the slackers are hiding.

One of the hardest tasks of leadership is understanding that you are not what you are, but what you're perceived to be by others.

Do what you feel in your heart to be right -- for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; Never throw out anyone!

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Temple Location - Bangkok

Wat Arun ( Temple of Dawn)
Location: Wat Arun is located on the west side of Chao Praya River ( opp Tha Thien Pier)
Open: 0800-1730

Wat Pho ( Temple of Reclining Buddha)
Location: Maharat Road . Close to the river ( about a half mile south of the Grand Palace)
Open: 0800-1700
Admission: 20baht

Wat Saket ( Temple of the Golden Mount)
Location: Between Boriphat Road and Lan Luang Road
Open: 0800-2100

Wat Benchamabophit ( The Marble Temple)
Location: 69 Rama V Road, Dusit
Open : 0800-1700

Wat Bowonniwetwihan
Location: 248 Phrasumen Road, phra Nakkon, Rattanakosin
Open: 0800-1700

Wat Chanasongkram
Location: Chakrapong Road, near Khao San Rd, Banglamphu
Open: 0600-1800

Wat Intharawihan
Location: 114 Wisut Kasat Road, Banglamphu
Open: 0830-2000

Wat Rachanatdaram Worawihan
Location: 2 Machachai Road, phra Nakhon
Open: 0900-2000

Wat Rakhang
Location: 250 Arun Amorin Road, Sirirai, Bangkok Nou

Mae Nak Shrine
Location: Wat Maha But, On Nut, Sukhumvit 77
How to get there: Take the BTS to On Nut Station, Maha But Temple is located about 900 metres down Sukhumvit Soi 77, the temple is at the end of Soi 7.

Erawan Shrine ( Than Tao Mahaprom)
How to get there : BTS - Ploenchit

Sunday, 9 December 2007

Pictures of Rahu

Taken on 2/12/07

Taken on 7.12.2007

The Thai Buddha Image - Rattanakosin Art

The current era, which is known as the Rattanakosin period began when King Rama I established Bangkok as the capital of Thailand in the 10th century. The period can be categorized into 2 distinct phases.
  • Phase 1 : In the early Rattanakosin period ( from the rule of King Rama I to King Rama II), characteristics from different periods were revived, particularly from the Ayutthaya era. As many as 1200 Buddha images were moved from temple in the north for restoration work. Because of this principal Buddha images in many important temple in Bangkok and Thonburi belong to older periods, mostly from Sukhothai ( though U thong & Ayutthaya styles can also be found). There was more emphasis on adornments than on the Buddha’s expression.
    Features became more humanlike through the integration of influences from the Ayutthaya and Sukhothai periods. The aureole came to resemble an elongated flame, The cranial protuberance, the fine hair curls, long ears and the robes were retained. The robes, however, are distinguish-able from the former Ayutthaya style by the decorative floral motifs.

  • Phase 2: From the reign of King Rama IV onwards, a greater exposure to western styles began to have some influence on Buddha images. Image appeared more humanlike omitting the cranial protuberance, the pleated robe and rhe cross legged meditation posture. However, during the reigns of King Rama V and VI, the style was further changed to follow the Indian Gandhara style.
    This style retained the more human appearance but re-established some of the Buddha’s traditional characteristics, such as the flame aureole, the cranial protuberance, the curled hair, the long ears and the robes.

The Thai Buddha Image - Ayutthaya Art

The Ayutthaya period began when King Ramathibodi I ( King U thong ) established Ayutthaya as a capital city in the 10th century A.D at the hands of the Burmese.

The Buddha mages from this period are characterised by the distinctive hair frame and 2 small lines carved above the upper lip and the eyes, a feature that was survived into the current Rattanakosin period. Buddha image at thatera falls into 3 distinct categories.

  • Early Ayutthaya Period: Influenced by Lopburi art, Buddha images carved out of stone were highly prized.
  • Middle Ayutthaya Period : By this time, Sukhothai characteristics had largely been adopted. The construction of large Buddha images became very popular and materials varied from gilded bronze to bronze plated and even brick and stucco. Postures included, seated reclining and standing.

  • Late Ayutthaya Period: In the later period the creation of bronze Buddha images in royal attire became very popular. 2 distinct styles gradually evolved; a Buddha in profusely adorned Emperor’s attire and a more moderate (though still regal) version that featured a crown or diadem with flanges covering both ears. The base also became more decorative for the seated Buddha images. A lion legged base was developed and the frontal decorative banner or ‘Pha Thip’ at the base was filled with elaborate designs and ornamentation.

Picture of Rahu

Source : www. 大头

Saturday, 8 December 2007

眾神猴之王 - 哈奴曼故事

哈奴曼(Hanuman),印度史诗《罗摩衍那》的神猴,风神和母猴所生之子,拥有四张脸和八只手. 哈奴曼出身于虎年三月的星期二, 他的头发是钻石,牙齿是水晶.他打哈欠时,口中会神奇的生出星星,月亮和太阳.

他聪明非凡,力能排山倒海,善于腾云驾雾,变幻形象和大多次救助罗摩王子,是智慧和力量的化身。他解救了阿逾陀国王子罗摩(Rama)之妻悉多(Sita),与罗刹恶魔罗波那(Ravana)大战. 它手中的虎头如意金棍,为天地冥三界锄妖铲魔、扬善去恶立下赫赫战功.


Pic of Hanuman
In Thailand, the Ramayana has become the national epic, in the form of the Ramakian.
The Thai version, called the "Ramakian," appears to be a combination of several versions.The Ramayana epic first, several hundred years ago, was told on the Indian subcontinent but has since spread from there as far away as Indonesia. It is the legend of the hero Rama and the beautiful princess Sita, and of the fight between gods and demons and good and evil.
The Ramakien story goes as follows:
Once upon a time there was a giant king (called Tosakan) on the island of Lanka who won a battle against the god Indra and then sought to achieve the rule of the whole world. The gods knew that only a mortal man would be able to stop the invulnerable giant and sent the god Vishnu down to earth.
Vishnu is reincarnated as Prince Rama (Phra Ram), son of the mighty King Tosarot of
Ayuthaya. Rama and his faithful brother and friend Lakshman (Phra Lak) become famous heroes and Rama is appointed by his father as successor to the throne of Ayuthaya. When Rama manages to win beautiful and chaste Princess Sita as his wife, their happiness seems complete. However, an envious concubine of King Tosarot convinces him to favor her son and to disinherit Prince Rama. Rama, Sita, and the faithful Lakshman are expelled from the royal palace and have to flee into the jungle where they spend the next fourteen years hidden in a hermitage.
Even in the seclusion of their forest retreat, however, Sita's beauty does not go unnoticed, and the evil giant King Tosakan decides to lure her way from Rama. He disguises himself as a lovely deer and carries Sita off to Lanka where she is forced to live in his palace. Rama and Lakshman, of course, try to find her and enlist the help of the monkey king Subrik and his white general,Hanuman.
Hanuman, by flying through the air to Lanka, finally discovers poor Sita. Supported by Hanuman and an army of monkeys, Rama and his brother reach the coast in front of Lanka and Hanuman builds with his body a causeway to the island . And the battle starts. When it turns out that Rama and his followers are going to be victorious, however, the evil giant Tosakan manages to sneak out of the palace and takes lovely Sita with him. Again, it is Hanuman who helps: he finds the giant and becomes his confidant. Tosakan trusts him so much that he reveals to Hanuman the secret of his invulnerability. That allows Prince Rama to successfully fight (in an exhausting seven day battle) and finally kill the giant and to win Sita back - although in the beginning he does not believe in Sita`s faithfulness and she must undergo a trial of fire to prove her chastity.
All of them now return to Ayuthaya, where the unlawful king, the son of the envious concubine, resigns and Rama again becomes king. Everybody could be happy now, but Rama is still in doubt about Sita, who is expecting a child. He expels her from the palace and orders his brother Lakshman to have her killed. Lakshman, however, does not obey and brings Sita instead back to the hermit in the jungle where she and Rama spent fourteen years during Rama's exile. There she gives birth to a son and the hermit, a powerful magician, forms a twin brother of the child and teaches both arts and mystics. Rama hears about the children, and finally recognizes his son.
After a final battle with the remaining rebel giants, Rama's mission is fulfilled and he returns to heaven.

The Thai Buddha Image - U Thong Art

The art of U Thong originated in the Central region of Thailand between the 12th and 15th Centuries A.D. The style was developed was influences from different areas. U Thong Art falls into 3 distinct types.
  • Type 1 : This first and rarely encountered type presents a mixture of Dvaravati and Khmer influences. Distinguishable features are the lotus bud aureole, the hair frame, a Khmer styled square face and the long robe with the edge cut in a straight line. The base tended to be plain with an inward set V shaped hollow.

  • Type 2: Bearing a stronger resemblance to Khmer and Lopuri style art, Buddha images of the second type typically feature fine hair curls and a hair band. Occasionally the hair was tied into a topknot or transformed into a cone shaped cranial protuberance. A rather stern expression shown on a square face was similar to that of Lopuri style and the chin had a human like cleft. The mantle, smaller than the Lopuri style was sut into a straight edge. The Buddha is usually created in the Subduing Mara Posture. The lap is narrow and the shins are ridged ( called the "sharp shinned" design). The base is con-cave with no decoration.

  • Type 3: Although strongly influenced by art from Sukhothai, some U Thong characteristics were retained as seen in the hair band & the base with the inverted V shaped hollow. This style probably originated between the 14th and 15th centuries A.D

Friday, 7 December 2007

The Thai Buddha Image - Sukhothai Art

In the 14th century A.D, King Sri Indrathit declared Sukhothai’s liberation from the Khmer and adopted a form of Buddhism based on the Sri lanka School. During this time, Sukhothai Art developed a radically different appearance to Mon and Khmer styles.
The difference can be seen in the "Walking Buddha" an original creation of the Sukhothai School. The inspiration which developed the idea of idealistic and superhuman characteristic and expressed the power of compassion and serenity. Such developement have made Sukhothai Art worthy of high praise as a truly unique and beautiful style. It was also during this period that the "four postured" group of Buddha images were created. The 4 poses consisted of, walking, standing, sitting and reclining. Sukhothai images can be classified into four distinct groups.

  • The major Group: Distinguished Sukhothai features include a flame aureole, whorls of fine curled hair, an oval facem high curving eyebrows, downward gazing eyes, booked nose and a gentle smiling expression. The torso included broad shoulders and a small waist. Robes were hung diagonally across the body and were completed with a zigzag edged mantle that extended down to the navel, seated in the Subduing Mara posture on a plain base.

  • The Kamphaengbet Group: The characteristics are generally similar to the major group apart from a broader upper face and a pointed chin.

  • The Phra Putthachinaraj group: In this group, thought to have originated during the reign of King Lithai, the aureole is flame shaped, the torso is rather plump, the face rounded and all fingers ( excluding the thumb) on each hand were of equal length.

  • The Heterogeneous Group or Wat Ta Kuwan Group: First discovered at Wat Ta Kuan in Sukhothai. The facial features are similar to images from the early Chiang Saen – Lanna period. This style is thought to have been created during the early 14th century A.D.






The Thai Buddha Image - Chiang Saen-Lanna Art

Chiang Saen-Lanna Art refers to object found in Northern Thailand dating between 11th, 13th or 10 centuries AD. The Buddha images from this period can be categorized into 2 distinct phrases.

  • Former Phase - With similar characteristic to the Pala Indian style, Buddha images typically featured a lotus bud or orb shaped finial and large hair curls ( without hair band), a plump torso and prominent chest.
    The face is round with a gently smiling expression, high curving eyebrows, a hooked nose, narrow lip and a knobbed chin. A short mantle with a zigzag "Centipedes Fang" design is usually positioned above the breast, Figure would usually be posed in the Subuing Mara posture and rhe Buddha would be seated cross legged, showing the soles of both feet.
  • Later Phase : Later influences from Sukhothai introduced an extended lotus shaped or flame shaped finial, fine hair curls and a thin hair band. The torso and chest sometimes resembled those of the former phase, but the face was more oval ( some works still featured the round shape) The mantle usually extended down the navel. The posture was also modified to a seated position with the sole of only one foot visible and the base upon which the figure was seated was undecorated. Buddha image draped in royal attire and appearing in different postures were also initiated, often featuring more decorative element on the base.

It was during this time that the creation of Buddha images in crystal and precious stone became very popular.

The Thai Buddha Image - Lopburi Art

Lopburi art is widely found in the central, east and the Northeast of Thailand. It can be dated around 11th to 13th centuries AD.
The culture was centred in the city of Lopuri and was much influenced by Khmer art and culture as it spread through Northeast Thailand. Because of this, Lopburi art is similar to the Khmer art of Cambodia.

Buddha image at that time are characterized by a cranial protuberance in the form of 3 tiered lotus petals. The hair band is featured and the hair is sometimes straight like human hair. (occasionally curled). The head is decorated with a diadem or a face frame. Facial features include a broad, slightly smiling face, thick lips, broad chin and earlobes that extend down to the shoulder.

The buddha would be shown wearing a robe drape diagonally with a straight edged mantle placed over the left shoulder and extending to the navel. The image would be posed upon a distinctive lotus petal base, featuring a uniguq border design around the lotus petal edges.
Naga Protected Buddha. The final was formed in the shape of a lotus bud or an orb and the Buddha’s robe would feature a distinct curvature at the waist. Image were curved in the meditation posture seated with folded legs and the Naga heads forming a protective taper above the buddha’s head. The Naga in Royal attire. The facial expression is rather stern.

Thursday, 6 December 2007

友情 - Friendship

一个不是我们有所求的朋友,才是真正的朋友。」但是彻底想来,要做到这点,是何其难!友情产生的本质便是因为孤独,我们常常陷入虚幻的友情旋涡,好在还有时间——它可是一面最清醒的镜子。 时间会很自然而然地告诉你谁是你真正的朋友——可是答案总是太残酷。也只有这个时候你会看到人们丑陋的一面。 当我们得宠掌权时,有谁不是对我们恭恭敬敬,满口的好话,一旦退下职务,那些人竟然可以把我们当透明人。。唉。。再次证明人类是很现实的。。他们真的是悲哀的一群!

The rule of friendship means there should be mutual sympathy between them, each supplying what the other lacks and trying to benefit the other, always using friendly and sincere words and not scheming on one another.
There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. Doubt is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills.
Sometime we get closer doing things together to make the event a successful one, but that is also the time when we faced misunderstanding and miscommunication. It’s a test for everyone, there bounds to be someone who is making use of us to get rid of people they dislike, if we are not careful, or not having a clear mind, then we are actually stepping into his trap.
Think before we do anything!
"When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer, never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn."

The Thai Buddha Image - Srivijaya Art

The Srivijaya Kingdom is believed to have thrived in Sumatra between the 8th and 13th centuries A.D. At this time, Srivijaya art was influenced not just by the indian art forms through trade but also Dvaravati,javanese and khmer art. Buddha images from this period are mostly related to Mahayana Buddhism; however, religious object including those of Theravada Buddhism and Hinduism have also been discovered.
Votive tablets found from this period were made from unbaked clay, which is easily broken. Therefore their purpose was not to prolong Buddhism into the future as with metal or clay tablets. They were created for the spititual benefit of the deceased. After cremation the bones or relics of the Buddhist were mixed with clay and made into tablets depicting the Buddha or Bodhisattva. Because the bones had been cremated once, they do not require a second firing.

The Thai Buddha Image - Dvaravati Art

Dvaravati ( land of Buddhism) refers to the kingdom situated in the Chao Phraua river basin between the 7th and 11th centuries AD. Important archaeological objects of Dvaravati art comprise Buddhism related sculptures representing 2 distinct sect known as Theravada and Mahayana.Dvaravati Art can be sub categorized into 3 groups according to the craftmanship.

  • Heavily influenced by Indian art, image have no aureole and faces are similar to Indian sculptures. Position seated with leg loosely folded or standing in the leaning pose. Hand gestures were limited to the right hand,while left hand would be shown holding the end of the robe.
  • Influenced by local styles, the aureole appears in a lotus bud shape or an orb over the cranial protuberance with large hair curl. The eyebrows form a continuous "crow wings" curve, the eyes protrude while the nose is flat and the lips thick. The seated posture was in the Amaravati style with loosely folded legs. Sculptures with a diagonally draped robe would normally feature a short mantle placed over the left shoulder. The standing Buddha are mainly positioned in a straight standing pose performing the preaching posture. The robe hung to mid shin level with a symmetrical trimming.
  • During the final period, Khmer influence are markedly visible. The Buddha was carved with a square face and a cleft chin. The straight adged mantle typically extended all the way to the navel. Image normally shown seated with legs fully folded, resting on a roughly carved lotus base.

Development of Buddha Images in Thailand

Development of Buddha Images in Thailand -

    1. Dvaravati Art

    2. Srivijaya Art

    3. Lopburi Art

    4. Chiang Saen-Lanna Art

    5. Sukhothai Art

    6. U Thong Art

    7. Ayutthaya Art

    8. Rattanakosin Art

    Wednesday, 5 December 2007


    话说,有一天阿占哆在宿舍午睡,正要入眠之际,惊觉有人走进来,他用眼角瞄了一眼,见是小偷进来偷东西,便假装睡觉,不理他,尽管让他偷. 偷了好些东西,正要离开时,小偷看见阿占哆睡觉的地方上面的架子上有一个非常精致的盒子,心想要得到它,又怕惊醒睡在下面的阿占哆,于是伸手踮脚都触不到的他,正想那椅子来站高一点时,突然阿占哆站起身,伸手拿起了那盒子,并交到他手上,小偷大吃一惊,见阿占哆无恶意,便开口问他为何要把盒子给他.阿占哆说" 因为你没有钱,生活辛苦,才会来偷东西, 而我拥有此盒,就有责任每天看顾着它.现在你需要时让你拿去了,我就不用看顾它了"

    这件事让我们得到了一个启示 - - - 生不带来 , 死不带去. 我们又何苦为了身外物太执著呢?

    Tuesday, 4 December 2007


    是非天天有,不听自然无,是非天天有,不听还是有,是非天天有,看你怎么办?人活在这个世界就一定会有烦恼, 因为 这个世间只有圆滑, 没有圆满的. 如果我能时时告诉自己"别人永远对,我永远错,这样子比较没烦恼" 但有可能吗???
    佛说" 人之所以痛苦,在于追求错误的东西" 如果你能每天呐喊二十一遍「我用不着为这一点小事而烦恼」,你会发现,你心里有一种不可思议的力量,试试看,很管用的!
    心中装满着自己的看法与想法的人,永远听不见别人的心声. 不要在你的智慧中夹杂着傲慢。不要使你的谦虚心缺乏智慧. 不要因为众生的愚疑,而带来了自己的烦恼。不要因为众生的无知,而痛苦了你自己.
    佛说: 眼睛不要老是睁得那么大,我且问你,百年以后,那一样是你的!

    Wat Rong Khun - Pic

    Wat Rong Khun- Chiang Rai

    The white color is chosen to represent the Lord Buddha’s immaculation.
    White glass means the wisdom of the Lord Buddha that shines out all over the earth and the universe. The bridge replaces walking across reincarnation to Bhudhabhumi. Before going up to the small half-circle bridge which means human’s earth and the bigger one with the fangs is the evil’s mouth or Rahu (the demon who swallows the sun and the moon) that means inner defilements representing hell or suffering. Whoever shall see the Lord Buddha in Bhudhabhumi shall have to leave their desires and cravings into the mouth of the evil so as to clear and clean up their mind. After that, they shall walk up along the bridge surrounded by 16 Omgun Asura, 8 for each side which implies for 16 defilements. Upon reaching the middle of the bridge which means Mount Meru where deities reside. Down below is the pond which means Sidantara Ocean with 6 tiers of heaven represented by 16 celestial lotuses around the temple. Four biggest lotuses are located beside the temple at the way up which means the 4 Ariyachao Archway consisting of Phra Sodabhan, Phra Sakitakamee, Phra Nagamee and Phra Arahant whom we should pay respect before getting up the half-circle staircase. The staircase contains 3 steps, each implies for Anijjung (impermanent), Tukhang (suffering) and Anatta (non-self) and leading to the land of 4 immaterial Brahma represented by 4 celestial lotuses and 4 gates. The last gate is a triangle glass means emptiness (extrication), then stepping over the doorsill to Bhudhabhumi. Designed to be viewed in moonlight, if you can manage to get there when the moon is out it’s worth the effort – very incredible indeed. This temple is certainly worth a visit.

    Wat Rong Khun is a modern temple built since 1998 by famous thai artist " Master Chalermchai Kositpipat" , he desires to build a temple as a heaven – a touchable paradise on earth for human. Chalermchai expects it will take another 90 years to complete, making it the Buddhist temple equivalent of the Sagrada Familia church in Barcelona, Spain!

    It seems that the creator and his followers put all of their energies into creating this imaginative temple. Unlike many temples, Wat Rong Khun refuses to accept donations of more than 10,000 baht and the donors cannot have their names recorded on the buildings.

    Wat Rong Khun is located at Tambon Pa-Or Donchai, Muang, Chiang Rai 57000.

    Quotes by THE BUDDHA

    Good men and bad men differ radically.
    Bad men never appreciate kindness shown them, but wise men appreciate and are grateful. Wise men try to express their appreciation and gratitude by some return of kindness, not only to their benefactor, but to everyone else.
    Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

    It is a man's own mind, not his enemy or foe, that lures him to evil ways.
    The Ariyan Eightfold Path, that is to say: Right view, right aim, right speech, right action, right living, right effort, right mindfulness, right contemplation.

    Monday, 3 December 2007

    Wat Mahathat Bangkok

    Wat Mahatat, in Nakhon Si Thammarat, is one of the most highly revered temples in the south, a destination for pilgrims coming from all over the country. It is said to house a fragment of bone from the historical Buddha. The top of the chedi is said to be 700 (or 1,000) kilograms of gold.

    Wat Mahathat Yuwarajarangsarit Rajaworamahavihara (Thai: วัดมหาธาตุยุวราชรังสฤษฎิ์ราชวรมหาวิหาร) is a Buddhist temple in Bangkok, Thailand. It is one of the 6 royal temples of the highest class (Thai: พระอารามหลวง ชั้นเอก ชนิดราชวรมหาวิหาร).
    Built during Ayutthaya period, the temple was then known as Wat Salak. Soon after Bangkok was established as the capital of Siam, the temple became strategically situated in between the newly-built Grand Palace and Front Palace (residence of the vice-king). As a result, the temple was used for royal ceremonies and funerals.
    Throughout the past two centuries, the temple has been renovated and elevated in status by many Thai kings and royalties. It became the Wat Mahathat of Bangkok in 1803 and was given its current name in 1996.
    Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand's oldest higher education institute for Buddhist monks, is located within the temple

    Location: Phra That Road ( near Sanam Luang Park, between the Grand Palace and National Museum)
    Open: 0900-1700

    Sunday, 2 December 2007


    Om Mahapom Mataywa Namami Eitipiso Pagawato Puto
    嗡 玛哈蓬 玛铁哇 呐玛密 依第必苏 巴加哇当 菩哆
    Etipiso Phrapom Mataywa Nacitang Pagawato
    依第必苏 柏蓬 玛铁哇 呐及当 巴加哇哆

    Eitipiso Taywana Sukato Sawaha Sewahong

    依第必苏 铁哇呐 苏加都 沙哇哈 沙哇鸿

    ***Chant each side once. 每一面念一次

    Saturday, 1 December 2007

    Emerald Buddha 玉佛经咒

    Putat Maha Mani Ratana Patimakara Pucemi
    菩达 玛哈 玛尼 拉达那 巴滴玛伽郎 甫切米
    Eitayna Sacawacena Mahatayco Cewa Mahapanyoca
    依爹那 沙加哇切那 玛哈爹祖 且哇 玛哈班哟查
    Mahapoko Camahayaso Capawatumay
    玛哈菩柯 查玛哈呀苏 查巴湾都米
    Nipana Sapancayo Homtu (3x)
    尼巴那 沙巴查哟 鸿都

    eckhart tolle