Thursday 16 August 2007

Luang Poo Yiam

生于2375年11月5日,在曼坤天地区。9岁因家贫而寄居在越朗寺。后来对佛学产生了兴趣而出家为小沙弥,拜阿僧洛大师为师,勤修佛学与各种救世法门。11岁那年被大力推荐前往当时仅有的佛教大学越波完佛寺进修佛理。19岁那年因为家计,暂时还俗,协助父母进行种植与农耕等生活。 尽管如此,他每天一大清早还是步行到越朗佛寺,随高僧诵读经文,从未间断的与师傅联络。 在佛历2397年时,他重新出家,为了学习更深一层的佛法,他决定从他的出家地[越朗]佛寺开始,做为他苦行生涯的起点,先由北上一直步行到清迈,清莱与缅甸等著名佛教胜地,后来又继续南下游遍了泰南各府的山区佛寺,并得到了南北大山区长者的教诲与真传。佛历2440年由于他对佛理有深奥的理解而受到第五世皇赏识,而于佛历2441年封为皇室之护法,并安排他与当时极负盛名的顺德拍不他占多大师,龙甫乐大师和阿曾甘潘大师,一起在宫中研究佛理与经文。 大师为人乐观,从不言别人之闲话,他有句名言[少说话多做事,是为公德]。 大师最擅长督造遮面招财佛,俗称“比打”。龙甫炎在世传法多年,年迈是定居于“越朗”佛寺。在佛历2469年在寺里的禅寺“坐化”西归,享年94岁。在完寂几天,一交代好自己的生后事,并劝弟子不要太过伤心,万事以法轮为重。

Luang Poo Yiam Wat Nang, Bangkok passed away at the age of 94, on 29th April BE2469.Luang Poo Yiam or Jow Koon Dtow is a very famous monk in Thailand, especially to those who like to collect his Kreung Rahng(magical items) and rian amulets. uang Poo Yiam's rians are the top amulet in the series of BenJaPahKeeRian; the Great Five Rians. Luang Poo Yiam was a monk who has observed the precepts of a monk strictly. He has never accepted material things given to him by the lay people, except those which were meant to build Wat Nang. Many people respected Luang Poo Yiam, and his metta travelled both far and near, such that many people would bring their children to be ordained under Luang Poo Yiam. The 5th King was one who respected Luang Poo Yiam very much and treated Luang Poo Yiam as his teacher. Luang Poo Yiam has ever taught the 5th King a special kathah for Metta MahaNiyom (Loving-Kindness), and the 5th King would always use this kathah where ever he go. This kathah is called Kathah ItTiPiSoh Rian Dteui:

It Ti Pi Soh We Se Se It It Se Se
Put Tat Nah Me It It Me Nah
Put Tat Dta Soh It It Soh Dta
Ta Put Dti It"

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