Wednesday 10 October 2007


呵叻府单坤陀县挽莱寺住持龙浦坤高僧辰4日迎来84岁寿辰。呵叻府尹素提率领当地民众向龙浦坤高僧献上了由皇上御赐的浴佛圣水以及御赐袈裟。来自寮、柬埔寨等友邻各国的僧众以及当地居民近万人参与了昨天祝寿活动。龙浦坤高僧为当地学生发放了100多份奖学金。并向前来贺寿的2300名僧侣布施,共布施达230万铢。龙浦坤高僧昨天显得神采奕奕。他在接受了府尹呈送的袈裟和圣水后,还祝愿皇上圣体康健,永佑黎民。随后,来自柬埔寨、寮国以及国内各大寺院的僧侣代表们也向龙浦坤敬献鲜花和袈裟。而龙浦坤高僧也显得格外高兴,当即为县内学生发放了106份奖学金,每份1000 铢。并对前来参与活动的僧侣父母和居士表示感谢。并吁嘱善信秉持5戒,多行善积德。另外,本次贺寿原来预计有1084名僧侣前来志庆,但实际来了2300 名,龙浦坤为前来贺寿的僧侣们每人布施1000铢,共计230万铢。据悉,昨天挽莱寺一直大雨连绵,但并没有影响善信前来表达对龙浦坤庆寿心情。上万名来自呵叻及其临近府治的善信聚集在佛寺内外。他们从家里带了大米、干粮等食物前来布施。由於大雨不断,布施活动不得不迁至寺内的大堂举行。而来自府内皇家医院的医师和护士也专门赶到佛寺,为龙浦坤高僧保驾。
This article was about LP Koon celebrating his 84th Birthday on 4/10/2007. The king presented him the holy water as well as the robe. More than 10,000 people from Thailand, laos and Cambodia join in the celebration. To top the celebration, LP koon have offer more than 106 sets of bursery worth 1000 baht for the student. the initial plan was to invite 1084 monks from all over the country to celebrate but 2300 monks turn up. LP Koon too, donated 1000baht as a token of appreciation for each monk who turn up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the translation.

Many more good years ahead for Lp Koon.

Gosh suddenly it did not strike me that He is 84 years old.

I keep thinking that Lp is in his 70s.....

eckhart tolle