Tuesday, 15 December 2009

2010 年谁该拜太岁

犯太岁~~虎 13 25 37 49 61 73 85 岁
冲太岁~~猴 19 31 43 55 67 79 91 岁
偏冲太岁~~猪 16 28 40 52 64 76 88 岁
刑冲太岁~~蛇 10 22 34 46 58 70 82 岁
As per requested by Reader, Rebecca a English Version of the above.
When is the best time to Pray Tai Sui
4th February 2010 ( According to Lunar calendar, it's the beginning of SPRING)
Timing: From 0600hr
Horoscope for those who need to pray Taisui
Tiger ~~ Age 13 25 37 49 61 73 85
Monkey~~ 19 31 43 55 67 79 91
Pig~~ 16 28 40 52 64 76 88
Snake~~ 10 22 34 46 58 70 82


rebecca said...

HI ! could you translate this into English?
thank you!

Rahu Om Chan Singapore said...

Always Believe, Tomorrow Will be Better!

eckhart tolle