Saturday, 31 October 2009

Robes offering @ Wat Kancanarama

There will be a Robe offering ceremony at Kancanarama Buddhist Temple (Lorong Ong Lye) on 1/11/2009. All are welcome.

Thot Kathin — At the time of the Buddha, this observance was a part of Buddhist practice and sustenence. As an exercise of self-reliance and humility, monks would cut, sew, and dye the cloth that would be used for their robes. (Some monks in the forest still dye their own cloth by cutting wood chips from the trunk of a Jackfruit tree, boiling them, and then stirring in the cloth to dye it an orange/yellow color.) The finished robes were then offered to the members of the monkhood who were worthy and needy. Currently, people tend to purchase manufactured robes, pre-packaged goods (including necessities like toiletries, towels, and so on), and then offer them to the temples. The events surrounding Kathin may involve intensive fund raising for various purposes, such as adding to or finishing a temple building. The time of Kathin can last up to a month from end of the Rains Retreat to the full moon of the twelfth lunar month (November).

Friday, 30 October 2009

Concern over monks' poor health

Tue, Oct 27, 2009The Nation/Asia News Network

Public Health Minister Witthaya Kaewparadai told a meeting yesterday of 100 officials from hospitals and health agencies about results from a random survey last year on the health of 80,945 monks in all regions (out of 300,000 Buddhist monks and novices around the country).While 44 per cent of the monks were healthy, some 56 per cent, or 45,333 monks were found to be unhealthy, he said.About 31 per cent of those deemed unhealthy, or 24,937 monks, were sick, mostly from high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and emphysema.Another 25 per cent, or 20,396 monks, were said to be at risk of falling ill, mostly from coronary heart disease and diabetes, he said.Witthaya affirmed that sick monks and novices could get medical treatment from state hospitals freeofcharge via the universal healthcare system.Bangkok also had the Priests Hospital, the world's only hospital specifically for monks and novices.He said the health of monks, and other groups, would be well taken care of, due to plans to have 9,000 tambonlevel hospitals promoting good health and the training of 970,000 officials and volunteers by the year 2012.Priests Hospital director Waraporn Phumsawat said 70 per cent of admissions last year were sick monks and novices from upcountry. Most suffered chronic diseases that needed constant medication, or their illness could cause them to die or become disabled.She said yesterday's meeting aimed to set up a system to safely transfer chronically ill monks between the Priests Hospital and hospitals in Bangkok and upcountry so they could get medication and rehabilitation near their temples.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Buddhism in Thailand

The Thais are a deeply religious people. For the Buddhist majority it underlies all activities and is the backbone of the thai culture. 90% of the populations are Theravada Buddhist. Buddhist believes that existence called nibbana (nirvana).

Almost all Thais believe in reincarnation, hence they “make merit” by doing good deeds. Ways to make merit include giving money to beggars, bird releasing, becoming a novice in a temple for man in Thailand and giving food to monk who make their Alms round every morning.

There are 2 sects of Buddhist monks in Thailand, the orange robed Mahanikai and the stricter, more academic red-brown robed Thammayut who can only eat one meal a day (before noon), provided for them by those who wish to make merit. They are not allow to touch money.

Thais always requested service of monks for special occasion ie. New house, new car are blessed for good luck. For marriage, nine monks are invited to perform ritual and during a funeral, a group of monks are required to perform a 3days of chanting mantras.

There is no such thing as a good Buddhist or a bad Buddhist. Buddhism not only teaches tolerance, it practices it. It does not claim that other religions are false, it encourage you to make your own judgments ( not easy as human being always believe the more god/Buddha they follow, the better ‘protection” they have, so they choose to mixed different religion into one, which is ridiculous and disrespectful for the religions he believed )

There is no hard sell, and no requirement for monks to ‘Save’ a quota of souls. And either will it talk about using money can make you a different or better person.

In Thailand we call temple wats, a place exclusively Buddhist, as we know Buddhism originated from India, hence it natural that we can find Hindu God in a wat, but if a wat over-do it by allowing people to leave religious object to the wat , then a temple will be cluttered with religious bric-a-brac and it will become to much. It will lose its original meaning of a Wat.

僧人尸体不腐 挑战科学定律


泰南高僧火化尸体袈裟不毁 据《联合早报》报导,在泰国南部仁廊府挽暖区樾挽暖佛寺,高僧銮菩銮他嘛哇罗于今年十月十七日圆寂,享年九十岁,其火化仪式在十一月八日进行。在举行火化仪式的当天,天上连续下滂沱大雨,而到下午四点的时候,庙方将进行佛教诵经仪式时,大雨即时停下。佛教诵经仪式结束后,一部份虔诚信徒留下参加火化礼。火化礼在当晚九时进行,收尸老叟拿着装满汽油的加仑桶,把汽油淋在棺木上,然后点燃汽油,并开动风扇催促火力。大约在三十分钟过后,棺木及弔唁花等物被烈火化为灰烬,可是高僧的尸体却安然无恙、袈裟丝毫未受损,在场的众僧人啧啧称奇。众亲信及委员们立即下令终止火化,将高僧尸体换了一套新袈裟及另装入一副新棺木置放于大卧佛的佛堂内。
source- Udnbkk

Wednesday, 28 October 2009

San Phra Prom - ศาลพระพรหม(4 faced Buddha) Birthday

photo source-

The Erawan Shrine (San Phra Prom - ศาลพระพรหม) located by the Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel. Phra Prom (Brahma) statue was enshrined at this location on November 9, 1956. The special ceremony is held on November 9 every year at this shrine, some people call this day as Phra Prom’s birthday

On this coming 9 November, monks will be at the venue at about 6am for some cermony and to give blessing to devotees.


Address: 494 Rajdamri Road, Bangkok, 10330, Thailand
Hours: Daily dawn to 8pm
Cost: Free. Flowers and incense start at 20B.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Burmese Buddhist Temple 缅佛寺

This Burmese Temple is just oppsite the thai temple. It's doing some upgrading like building a pagoda and some renovation works around.

Ths is like a wishing well??? We try to throw the coins into container which was labelled "Health","luck","Money", "career", "Education"" Blissful Marriage". Seems easy, but not all of us managed to throw it in. (After rounds & rounds of coins, decided to give up and proceed to the main hall for Monk's blessing then i realized there's similiar container inside the hall, all u need to do is place your donation in any one of them, easy job!)
This temple looks much more "grand" then the Thai Temple, you may like to drop by when you go to Penang.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Kuan Yin @ Wat Chaiya Mangalaram

I'm just curious ? Is it rahu at the entrance to the Kuan Yin hall?

The Statue of Kuan Yin inside the hall.

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Rahu in Wat Chaiya Mangalaram, Penang

Rahu! I thought there will be surprised inside the Wat... But then... I couldn't find any Rahu Statue at all.

Thursday, 8 October 2009


  1. สมเด็จพระพุฒาจารย์ี (โต) (譯音)崇迪帕布祂瞻多(亞贊多)
  2. สมเด็จพระพุทธปาพจนบดี (譯音)崇迪帕布祂巴婆甲哪巴滴

  3. สมเด็จพระพุฒาจารย์ี (譯音)崇迪帕布祂瞻

  4. สมเด็จพระมหาธีวาจารย์(譯音)崇迪帕嗎蛤梯哇瞻

  5. สมเด็จพระมหารัชมังคลาจารย์(譯音) 崇迪帕嗎蛤喇差芒咖拉瞻

  6. สมเด็จพระพุทธโฆษาจารย์(譯音) 崇迪帕布祂摳撒瞻

  7. สมเด็จพระพุทธชินวงศ์(譯音)崇迪帕布祂勤那翁

  8. สมเด็จพระมหาวีรวงศ์(譯音)崇迪帕嗎蛤威那翁

  9. สมเด็จพระญาณวโรดม(譯音)崇迪帕央拿哇摟冬

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Luang Phor Sothon

According to legend, Luang Pho Sothon floated down the Bang Pakong River to the site of the temple(temple is situated on the west bank of the Bang Pakong River, 2 Kms. south of the city hall). Efforts to retrieve it were unsuccessful until a villager had a small shrine erected on the site and performed a ceremony welcoming the image to the community.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Wat Phra That Lampang Luang วัดพระธาตุลำปางหลวง

About 20 kilometers from Lampang is the old temple of Wat Phra That Lampang Luang.
On first glance, this walled citadel sited on a man-made mound of earth has a very fortress-like look to it. That's because the temple was built on the site of an eighth century fortification, called a wiang, that guarded the routes to Lampang.
The temple buildings seen today were built in the fifteenth century, and one of the reasons for the temple's popularity is the relatively pure state of all the temple buildings. Unlike most of the temples in Chiang Mai, Wat Phra That Lampang Luang hasn't been 'improved' to conform to modern Thai ideas about temples.
The courtyard is still filled with sand, and the huge main wiharn (prayer hall) is still open on all sides.To enter the temple, you must pass a pair of guardian lions and climb the naga stairway up to the massive main gate. The main prayer hall, the Wiharn Luang, stands close inside the main entrance. The wiharn is open on all four sides, forming a huge covered hall. Sturdy columns support the roof.
The columns are finished in black lacquer and stenciled with gold leaf designs.At the back of the Wiharn Luang sits a massive gilded ku, a sort of Laotian prang sheltering the main Buddha image. The Buddha image is the Phra Chao Lang Thong, cast in 1563. On either side of the Ku are throne-like pulpits, sometimes used by monks but more often used to house other Buddha images on important ceremonial days. Behind the main prayer hall stands the 45 meter tall chedi. The chedi was faced with copper and bronze sheets, which over the centuries have oxidized into a variety of green and blue shades. The chedi has somehow escaped the gilding which is now universally applied to chedis, even if they weren't originally built that way.
Flanking the chedi on the south side is another prayer hall, the Wiharn Phra Phut, a small chapel built in 1802 with a beautifully carved fascade. Behind the Wiharn Phar Phut is a tiny tower-like structure, the Ho Phra Phuttabat. It houses a Buddha footprint sculpture. The building is generally only open on important festival dates, and may never be entered by women.Wat Phra That Lampang Luang was one of the Nine top Thai spots named by The Bangkok Post's online travel campaign.
eckhart tolle