Friday, 30 November 2007

Wat Srisathong

Wat Srisa Thong is most popular with Rahu followers because it has a giant statue of Rahu, the biggest in Thailand. Some Thai people believe that bad luck always comes with an eclipse, so major changes and big losses are inevitable. Visits to Wat Srisa Thong then become more popular before such event. The temple is located at Nakhon Pathom, 50 kilometers (30 miles) west of Bangkok.

Black is the color of Rahu, the God of Darkness.

Worshippers offer Rahu eight black items, among them black chicken, black jelly, black liquor, black rice and black pudding.
They offer black flowers, black joss sticks, black candles .
The symbol of Rahu was the number 8, a powerful figure believed to be the origin of all earthly things.

Rahu - Wat Trimit

Phra Rahu the god of fate, it is believed that paying respect to this god will protect you from bad luck.

Wat Traimit ( The Golden Buddha)
Location: Traimit Road ( West of Hua Lampong Station)
Open : 0900-1700

Thursday, 29 November 2007

Offerings to Buddha

As i wrote on my previous blog on offerings, the following are the English version as per requested.

  1. Offer a cup of fresh water every morning.If our hands become dirty, we wash them with water. Water has the power to clean. The teaching ofthe Buddha has the same kind of power to make our minds clean. To offer a cup of water means topraise the Buddha with water, which has the same kind of power, and to quench the Buddha’s thirst.
  2. Offer incense every morning. Offering incense means to offer the fragrance of the incense to the Buddhas, and also to purge us with its fragance. It is said that offering incense symbolize the compassion of the Buddha. Its fragance spread all over equally no matter what kind of barrier is.
  3. Offering light signifies the stability and clarity of patience, the beauty which dispels all ignorance. It is also excellent to offer the butterlamps, candles or light because this act of offering this light symbolizes burning away our mental afflictions of desire, aggression, greed, jealousy, pride and so forth. The other part of the symbolism is that it is a way to burn away our illness."
  4. Offering flowers means to offer beauty and to ornament the Buddha.

Wat Thammikarat, Ayutthaya

Image of Rahu, swallowing the sun. Wat Thammikarat, Ayutthaya.



Luang Por Pern

Luang Phor Pern 12.08.BE2466 - 30.06.BE2545

LP Pern Tithakunoe was born in Thambon Bang Gaew Nakhon Pathom on 12/8/2466.
Shortly after his birth, his parent decided to move to a small village of Baan Tung Kork, in the district of Sorng Pi Norng province of Supannburii. At that time Supanburii was a territory that teemed with Nak Laeng and infamous highwayman. SupannBurii province which have most tiger in thailand called "Tiger Land". Luang Phor Pern who was still a Layman, found it wise to source some magic charm to protect himself. In addition to this, he had always been attracted to Buddhist Magic used by warriors in the historic past and he was seriously interested in all things paranormal.
He became a Lay Disciple of LP Daeng who was in turn a disciple of LP Hnoeng ( Wat Klong Madan), an expert in matters of Socery. He was ordained at the age of 26 by Phra Ajahn Huem, who was also his teacher in Buddha Magic and Sorcery.
After this, LP Pern went "Tudong" in the jungles at Kanchanaburi. He crossed the border into the realm of Burma, through the remotes areas of Saesawoe and Bang Graenggawia; known in the time being the thickest darkest Jungle, full of dangerous animals and unknown fevers.
According to Thai beliefs, there was added dangers of "Naang Mai" ( wicked fairies & tree spirits), Phii Phoeng and Phii Phaa (Jungle ghost) and all sorts of evil spirits. It is said that at the time of his return of pilgrimage, it was protected by a tiger, which accompanied him until orée by the jungle. Since, the tiger became the protective symbol of the Master.
He became the abbot of Wat Tung Nang Lork for 5 years and returned to the jungles to practice the ancient ascetic meditation practices. He later became the abott of Wat Koeg Khaemao in Nakorn Pathom. As the Wat was in a very bad state of repair and was very inaccessible, being thickly forested, he developed and repaired the temple by consecrated his very first amulet and through donations received in return for these amulet, he renovated the temple.
He was invited to become abbot of wat bang phra where he became better known for spiritual tattoos or yant expecially the tattoo festival in the month of March.
He is a monk of great personality and great compassion to help folks with his magic. Devotees believed that Luang Phor Pern’s tattoos can stop bullets and blades, prevent road accidents, improve business, induce trances, and calm your mind.
(website for wat Bangpra –

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

The Emerald Buddha

hot season

Rainy Season

Cool season

The Emerald Buddha at Wat Phra Kaew

According to popular belief, the Emerald Buddha is ancient and came from Sri Lanka. Art historians, however, generally believe that it was crafted in 14th-century Thailand.
The much-revered Buddha image has traveled extensively over the centuries. The story goes that the Emerald Buddha was once kept covered in plaster in a monument in Chiang Rai, but a damaging lightning storm in 1434 uncovered the treasure.
The king of Chiang Mai tried very hard to procure the statute, but three times the elephant transporting the statute stopped at a crossroads in Lampang. Taking it as a sign from the Buddha, the statue was placed in a specially-built monumental temple in Lampang, where it stayed for 32 years.
The next king of Chiang Mai was more determined, succeeding in bringing the Emerald Buddha to his city. It was housed in a temple there until 1552, when Laotian invaders took it. The statue stayed in Laos for 214 years, until General Chakri (later King Rama I) brought it back to the Thai capital at Thonburi after his successful campaign in Laos.
In 1784, when he moved the capital across the river to Bangkok, King Rama I installed the precious figure in its present shrine, where it has remained as a tangible symbol of the Thai nation. It is feared that removal of the image from Bangkok will signify the end of the Chakri dynasty.
The Emerald Buddha itself is simply the jade statue, but it is adorned with garments made of gold. There are three different sets of gold clothing, which are changed by the King of Thailand in a ceremony at the changing of the seasons - in the 1st Waning of Lunar Months 4, 8 and 12 (around March, July and November). The three sets of gold garments correspond to Thailand's hot season, rainy season, and cool season. The two sets of gold clothing not in use at any given time are kept on display in the nearby Pavilion of Regalia, Royal Decorations and Thai Coins on the grounds of the Grand Palace, where the public may view them.

Wat Phra Kaew ( The emerald Buddha)
Location: Na Phralan, Phra Nakorn ( inside the Grand Palace complex)
Open : 0830-1200 and 1300-1530
Admission : 125baht.



热季是镶钻的黄金衣服; 雨季是蓝宝石装饰的金衣; 凉季是纯金打造的衣服,上面还加一件琺瑯长袍.
这一切都只是为了烘托一个无价之宝, 那就是这尊由一整块翡翠雕刻而成的玉佛,高66公分,最宽处48.3公分. 祂从被发现到安置于玉佛寺的300多年漫长流浪史,让祂更增加几分神秘传奇色彩.
玉佛首先出现是1464年,清莱的一座佛塔中,泥塑的佛像鼻头石灰脱落,露出内部璀灿的色泽,才被发现原来是一尊玉佛. 这尊稀世珍宝迅速地被清迈城主迎接如城,不料载送玉佛的大象在运送途中居然向南奔(Lampang) 奔去, 城主逐将玉佛供奉于南奔城内的佛寺,长达32年.


观 自 在 菩 萨, 行 深 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多 时, 照 见 五 蕴 皆 空, 度 一 切 苦 厄。 舍 利 子, 色 不 异 空, 空 不 异 色; 色 即 是 空, 空 即 是 色。 受、 想、 行、 识, 亦 复 如 是。 舍 利 子, 是 诸 法 空 相: 不 生 不 灭, 不 垢 不 净, 不 增 不 减。 是 故 空 中 无 色, 无 受 想 行 识。 无 眼 耳 鼻 舌 身 意, 无 色 声 香 味 触 法。 无 眼 界, 乃 至 无 意 识 界。 无 无 明, 亦 无 无 明 尽; 乃 至 无 老 死, 亦 无 老 死 尽。 无 苦 集 灭 道, 无 智 亦 无 得。 以 无 所 得 故, 菩 提 萨 埵 , 依 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多 故, 心 无 挂 碍。 无 挂 碍 故, 无 有 恐 怖, 远 离 颠 倒 梦 想, 究 竟 涅 槃 。 三 世 诸 佛, 依 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多 故, 得 阿 耨 多 罗 三 藐 三 菩 提。 故 知 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多, 是 大 神 咒, 是 大 明 咒, 是 无 上 咒, 是 无 等 等 咒。 能 除 一 切 苦, 真 实 不 虚。 故 说 般 若 波 罗 蜜 多 咒, 即 说 咒 曰: 揭 谛 揭 谛, 波 罗 揭 谛, 波 罗 僧 揭 谛, 菩 提 萨 婆 诃。

Tuesday, 27 November 2007


周冠罗大师出生于佛历2440年2月5日,家中共有5兄弟姊妹,他为长子。在泰王六世时期,他是第一批在泰国大学毕业的学生,毕业后他去了皇宫内当官员,每天负责协助国王的日程和事务安排。至佛历2468年第六世皇圆寂后,他十分伤心的离开了皇宫, 当时他的父母见到大师因六世皇的死而感到十分之伤心,便为他介绍了一位年轻的女教师,但大师对他的父母说,他只想出家成为和尚并在同年的3月23日,六世皇火葬的前一天,他在Wat Dhepsirin佛寺正式出家成为僧侣,为六世皇念经,及后在庙内渡过了他一生的旅程。 其后大师拜了崇笛拍不布崇赞、拍不怀赢干、屈崇文那屈下的主持拍如都史啦刚为师,向他们学习法门。 而大师从来不接受任何善信的任何捐赠,严守僧侣的每一条的戒律,而曾经有一些善信向寺庙内的主持投诉,大师回答说,他的出家只是为了为六世皇加持祝福及向佛佗学习,他每天都在不断的修行,而善信是来自外面的世界,带有外面的问题,他不希望介入。而当主持听 了他的解释后,便没有再向他追问。大师从2468年开始他的出家生活,每天只会进食一些蔬菜及壳类,从不间断每一天的早课和晚课,不论在下雨天、甚至是打仗的其间,大师都从未有离开佛寺;于第二次世界大战时期,Wat Dhepsirin佛寺旁的曼谷火车站受到敌人炸弹猛烈轰炸,甚至波及佛寺,众僧侣为了安全都逃离佛寺,唯独大师继续留在佛寺,为的是坚守着自已在庙内一份的信念。 而大师一生从来都没有制造过任何佛牌,只会参与加持开光,但他有份参与念经的佛牌,都拥有不可思议的力量,而大师为信众洒圣水加持时,都会有强烈的白光散发出来,且曾被人拍照证明过,曾经亲自拜见过大师的人,都称其拥有神奇及能预知未来的力量,其中包括预知自己之死亡;在大师圆寂前一天,大师已预先吩咐其侄儿明天以后都不用为大师准备食物;及至第二天,即佛历2514年1月8日,其74岁仙游的当天,他睡在他自已的蚊子网里,双手放在胸前,念了他人生最后一次尊敬佛佗的经文,走完了大师僧侣的一生。

Luangpor Khoon admitted to hospital

Renowned monk Luang Phor Khoon Parisuttho was admitted to a local hospital in Nakhon Ratchasima yesterday morning suffering from a high fever and nausea.

The abbot of Wat Ban Rai in Dan Khun Thod district has been treated and diagnosed with mild sepsis. Visitors are barred from seeing the 84-year-old monk, at least for the next three days until doctors can reach a final diagnosis.
Doctors said the monk was pale and had became lethargic, and his lips were still dry as a result of a nervous malfunction, but his fever and vomiting had stopped after he received initial treatment, including intravenous antiseptic medication and a saline solution.
Close aides said the monk met with a large number of visitors during the Loy Krathong festival last Saturday and doctors said his illness could have stemmed from a lack of rest.
Luang Phor Khoon has had an immunity defection after he underwent a bypass operation seven years ago.
He still suffers from palsy stemming from a stroke three years ago, in addition to diabetes and high cholesterol levels.

Published on November 27, 2007 The Nation

Monday, 26 November 2007

Chao Khun Nor's teachings

Personal magnet
Those who have a good heart or sympathy for other people are blessed with their own virtues. Some of these virtues include perseverance, industriousness, strength and benevolence. Since these people are not arrogant, they stand to be loved or receive help from those around them.
The gentle will receive love and help from others. Gentleness is the personal magnet of a virtuous person. If you retain the virtues, they will help you achieve your goals anytime, in the present and the future.
Give what you want
You must remember that if you would like to receive kindness (metta) and sympathy from others, you should extend kindness and sympathy to them, too. Then you'll get kindness and sympathy in return. This is the law of the powerful spirit. If you do this, all of the success you aspire to will be achieved, without a doubt.
A state of elation
Avoid the words "not feeling well". Don't allow what they mean to happen to you. Let it go and get it out. Even before "not feeling well" happens to you, let it go. If you are not careful, it could make its way into your feelings again. Then you must get it out. Don't let the idea of not feeling well remain in your mind, because you'll get used to it. If you do, you will become a weak person, and whenever there are any small mistakes, you will not feel well. This "not feeling well" is the enemy and the devil. It stirs your mind, making the nerves and brain work abnormally. The body will function in an abnormal way. Before we do anything, or while we're doing something, we must feel good after finishing it. Our mind or spirit must be in a state of elation. This will boost the body and the mind. We have to enjoy living.
The Lord Buddha teaches that peace is real happiness. We may find happiness by watching a play or a movie, socialising with others, being in love and getting married or receiving honours, but these kinds of happiness are marred by other suffering that need to be tackled constantly or alleviated. This is unlike happiness that is gained from peace or serenity, which is an in-depth happiness without any interference from suffering and without any need of further improvement.
This happiness can be realised in a very simple way - with our mind. When we're in a quiet corner, we can also have peace. If we live in a social environment, we can have happiness by separating our mind to search for peace. Although the social environment is troublesome, it can't bother our mind.
When we suffer from physical pain, we can strive for peace of mind, and then the physical pain cannot make us suffer. When the mind is at peace, the body will also be at peace. All suffering will disappear.
A peaceful mind is needed to support a peaceful body, and a peaceful body is needed to support a peaceful mind. Both a peaceful body and a peaceful mind are needed to attain all the success that you wish for.
Be grateful for mistakes
We must remind ourselves that "to do no wrong is to do nothing!" Mistakes are our great teacher. We have to be grateful to ourselves whenever we realise we have done something wrong. And we should feel good when we have met a great teacher, which is the mistake. When we make a mistake, we must remember it well. This is a good example, so that we won't do it again. We can then start again by avoiding carelessness.
Conscience is immortal
We will do no wrong if we have a conscience. The conscience protects our body, our speech and our mind at every moment. If we get it wrong, it means that we do not have a conscience, allowing carelessness to get out of control.
It is the natural way that human beings and animals and other plants fight for their life. Life is fighting. If we can't continue to fight, we're dead. But if we have a full conscience, then when we die, death will only happen to our body. The Lord Buddha and other enlightened monks had a full conscience at every moment. Therefore, they never did anything wrongly. They attained the immortality of dharma, or dharma that would never perish. We can also call this state nirvana.
The three guides
With the power of the trisikkha: sila (precepts), samadhi (insight) and panya (wisdom), we can win over our enemy, which is desire.
We can win over the rudeness, which represents an ugly desire in the lowest form and encroaches over our body, our speech and our mind with sila. We can win over love or hatred or passion, which represents a desire in medium form with samadhi. We can win over understanding, knowing what is right and wrong or the reality of the body, which is the finest desire, with panya. Those who have studied and practised trisikkha thoroughly and completely will transcend all suffering.
Good deeds are their own reward
We must do only good deeds. When we do good deeds but don't receive any blessing, it is still good. If we do bad deeds, we can't become good from fake blessings. Doing bad is like throwing a stone into the water. The stone will sink immediately to the bottom. Nobody can make the stone float. The bad deed will result in disaster and calamity like the stone sinking into the mud under the water.
Good deeds will bring honour, dignity and fame. Other people will respect us. Although our enemies would like to harm us, they can't, because they will suffer their own defeat. Please aim for the good deeds without fear of any obstacle. Let those who have faith in the Three Gems have luck and happiness and achieve what they set out to do.
We only have a few days
Jasmine is known as the most fragrant, the whitest and the purest of all flowers. Life is like acting in a theatre. We should aim at being the main character with the character of the jasmine. Don't be the bad guy. The jasmine will blossom for only a couple of days before it dies. Let us behave ourselves in the best way while we're still alive, like the blossomed jasmine. Do only good deeds.

Chao Khun Nor

Chao Khun Nor 05.02.BE2440 - 08.01.BE2514

Chao Khun Nor was born on 5th February BE2440. He was the eldest among the 5 children in his family. He graduated from the Chulalongkorn University and became an high ranked officer in the palace duing the time ruled by the King Rama VI of Thailand. As a trusted personal assistant and a favourite subject of the King VI, he was bestowed the title of "Chao Phraya", the highest Thai title of conferred nobleness when he was only 25 years old.
After King Rama VI passed away, Chao Khun Nor was so upset and he decided to enter monkhood. Before he was ordained, he gives away all his riches and land to the poor with nothing left behind. He enter monkhood at Wat Thepsririn on 25.11.BE2468 at the age of 28 and the day before the King was cremated.
After he was ordained, many devotees came to him for fortune telling and seek help. Chao Khun Nor have never accepted any gifts and offerings because he observed strictly the 227 precepts in monkhood and this lead to the unhappiness of the devotees. Chao Khun explained to them that he ordained for the purpose for the King and to study whole-hearted the teaching of Buddha, most importantly the reason why he required concentration on his self cultivation was to fully understand the teaching of Buddha so that he can help the devotees to solve their problem.
Chao Khun Nor meditated from day to night EVERYDAY. He was a vegetarian and he eats one vegetable and cereal meal everyday. From the day he enters monkhood till his death, he never step out of the temple even though during WWII when all the other monks are running for their lives.
Chao Khun Nor has the capability to foresee the future and he can also read anybody mind. He knew what could happen in the near future. Amulet already blessed by other great guru monks from other temples were also brought to be blessed by him.
Every time when Chao Khun consecrate those amulet, there seemed to have some miracles happened. In 22 March BE2512, a reporter took a picture during the consecration process of amulet. The picture turn out showing bright lights emerged from Chao Khun Nor’s brush when he sprinkled water from the brush. The bright light emerged from the brush is unlike normal photo shots taken for other monks. This had happened many thime and was believed that this is the meditative power from Chao Khun Nor, his chanting confirmed to be efficacious.
Chao Khun Nor has predicted his actual day of entering nirvana when he was alive. A few day before he passed away, he told his nephew who took care of him for many years, that he would make an amulet for him. He told his nephew to bring some stone to him to consecrate, but those stone must came from an exact place called "Bang Bo" in the province of Samutprakarn. He gave the reason that the name of the place "Bang Bo" was a good name. The word "Bo" IN THAI mean POND. Chao Khun meant this "Bo" to be pool of gold and silver. He also instruct him to put the stone upon a Bodhi leave shape, made from paper, silver, gold or any material and write down the name of the wearer on the leave. The significance of these holy stone are that Chao Khun Nor never offered to consecrate any amulets before, people made amulet and begged him to consecrate them.
Chao Khun Nor lived a life of excellent austerity and was well known for his meditative powers. He passed away on 8 January BE 2514 at the age of 73 in a beautiful posture with his palms placing together, paying his last respect to the Buddha.

Quotes by Venerable Ajahn Chah.

"If you know you can trust yourself you will feel relaxed and unmoved
by praise and blame. Regardless of what others say, you are content.
Those who do not have a firm foundation in practice
can easily be sucked in and their perceptions are warped as a result.
When you understand this matter you will be truly untroubled.
Nothing that happens is wrong. Everything is Dhamma."

"Even if it takes hundreds or thousands of lifetimes
to get enlightened, so what? However many lifetimes it takes
we just keep practising with a heart at ease, comfortable with our pace.
Once your mind has entered the stream, there’s nothing to fear."

"Making offerings, listening to teachings, practising meditation,
whatever we do we should do for the purpose of cultivating wisdom.
And cultivating wisdom is for the purpose of liberation.
When we are free then we won't suffer, whatever situation we are in."

"When we give, what is it that we are giving away?
The practice of generosity is for letting go of selfishness and deluded self-views.
If we are lost in selfishness it shows we don’t genuinely
care for ourselves, don’t know how to really love ourselves.
But with this practice of giving such attitudes are cleansed,
leaving a heart of compassion towards all beings without exception."

In our practice we maintain a heart that is imbued
with goodwill, with generosity, kindness and helpfulness.
When these qualities are properly maintained
they become the foundation for a pure mind."

Sunday, 25 November 2007

高僧火化尸不毁 急换新袈裟入棺

防夺旧袈裟 剪块分众信
(新加坡)联合晚报 (2007-11-25)

Saturday, 24 November 2007

Tok Raja

Tok Raja of Wat Uttamaram Pasir Mas Kelantan. ( BE2419 - BE2505)

Khron Ratchanaren (known as Tok Raja) was born on Thursday December 1, BE2419 (1876). He was sent to Wat Uttamaram by his parents when he was 12 years old to learn Buddhism and Thai language. He stayed with Archan Lok who was the temple Chief Abbot at that time. He had showed great interest in Buddhism and became a "Dek Jom" under the supervision of monks in the temple. He once told the devotees that even from an early age, he cherished the ambition of joining the monk hood and stay in the temple to learn Buddhism. Tok Raja joined monkhood on Jun 15, BE2438 when he was 21 years old. The ordination took place at Wat Uttamaram and he was then given a Buddhist name known as Punnaksuwanno. After becoming a monk, he stayed at Wat Uttamatam for two phansa before travelling to Southern Thailand to learn Pali language. He stay at Wat huaphom Nai in Songkhla learned "Phrakhatha vertmon" which consist of "Khamphi Mulkachai" and "Khamphi Thammadboth" in Wat Huaporm Nai as well as Vipassana Kammatharn technique in Songkhla for 15 years.

In the year 2449 BE, Tok was appointed Chief Abbot of the Wat for 10 years. He became the Chief Abbot of Wat Mai Suwankhiri for 6 years before been transferred back to Wat Uttamaram and became the Chief Abbot of the Wat in year 2468 BE. He taught Vippassana meditation and ubasok ubasika Buddhaborisat to the kampung folks and Buddhist fundamentals as well as Vertmon Katha to his pupils. In BE2470 He was appointed as Phra Palas Thananukrom. In BE2476 he became Upatchaya, BE2484 he was appointed as Phra Khru Vicarn and BE2488 he became the Chief Abbot of Kelantan State known as Phra VicaranayanmuniTok's role in the deployment of Dharma knowledge and spreading of Buddha's teachings. When Tok came back from Songkhla Thailand, he stressed a lot on knowledge skill. In early year of BE2491, Thai Buddhism has spread out of the country especially to the neighbouring country. Tok has waited for the opportunity to open up such school for long time and has establish the same Naktham school in the year BE2492 and the first school was established in Wat Uttamaram Bangsek itself.

Tok spent his non-meditation hours in research into ancient and forgotten manuscripts which revealed ceremonies and prayers for every occasion. He made searching enquiries into information gleaned from his readings. Tok Raja used the latex from a special tree found in the jungle of Malaysia and Thailand for all his amulets. This special tree can produce a type of gas for protection from animals or human and this gas will made you very itchy and may get rashes when you come into contact with it. The latex is worst, if it got onto your body, your skin will get burnt and swollen. However Tok Raja is not affected by all this acidic chemical and he use his bare hand to collect the latex and then mixed with other holy powders to make his amulets.
He never considered unlikely or as far-fetched the stories he had read or heard of how and where priceless documents had been hidden in times of peril. He explored caves which others fear to enter and seldom found his mission unfruitful.From these ancient writings he copied the prayers and chants which are the weapons he uses in his self-imposed war against Black Magic. He tried the effect of these prayers upon himself when sick, and at all times opportunity offered itself to test his Faith & Power.One day, a novice brought to him a very aged document which he knew was something precious as it has been zealously guarded heirloom. Tok found that the documents described how a sacred tongkat (wand) should be constructed and the ingredients that went into its making. The tongkat was too powerful for the novice who made no use of it.On his death-bed, the novice gifted the tongkat to Tok Raja. Since then, it has never been out of his sight for a fleeting moment. He carried it with him wherever he goes and when asleep, it rests beside him.He has put the tongkat to good use in effecting cures both physical and mental. No ordinary man can touch the tongkat without feeling its Power.He has attained so high a standard of perfection and he was no mere mortal. By a few seconds of association with someone, or at a glance, he can say if the person seeking his help is clean in heart, a genuine sufferer or a fake if he has come to him convinced that only prayer can save life.Tok had never refuse aid and preached Dharma to those fake instead. He certainly was a modern Miracle Worker who convinces you of the unbelievable stories from the recovery of a dying man to saving from been possessed of evil spirit and even non Buddhist experience similar wonders in resolving their problems. Tok built the Kelantan first Naktham school in Wat Uttamaram (2nd School in Malaya after Kedah) and constructed Ubosoth (Both) and Kutis surrounding the temple.

Due to old age, Tok passed away on November 19, BE2505 , 15 days before the conferment of "Chao Khoon" title bestowed to him by the King of Thailand, his Highness King Phumibol Adulyadeth where Tok was invited to be present at the King Palace in Bangkok on December 5, BE2505.

Tok Raja was famous of his Pitha and I hope to get a pic of the amulet my friend have, it's a 2-sided amulet- pitha on one side and Tok Raja of the other side.According to him, it's a very old amulet given to him by someone who is a collector. He have given my husband an amulet and reminded him to wear it whenever he go to meet clients and we can see, It helps!

Friday, 23 November 2007


供佛像有两个意思,第一是“报恩”。 一切众生与我们都有恩,恩德最大的无过于老师,佛菩萨是我们的老师,我们接受佛菩萨教诲,这才真正觉悟,成就我们的法身慧命,所以供养佛菩萨是纪念老师,感恩不忘。第二个意思最重要,“见贤思齐”。佛是凡夫修成的,供养他的形象提醒我向他学习,也要成佛。要学佛的存心立愿,生活工作,处世待人接物,样样向佛学习。

: 香表"信",代表戒定真香,见到香,闻到香,知道自己要修戒,定,慧,是修学的目的。

: 象征燃烧自己,照亮别人。每个人要有奉献精神,舍己为人,为社会服务。灯也代表智慧光明。

水 : 佛前供一杯水,要想到我们的心像水一样清净,平等。

: 佛前供花果代表修善因,得善果。提醒我们要深信因果,存好心,说好话,行好事,做好人。

Inspiration Buddhist Story

One bright and cool summer day the Buddha took a walk along the forest path, simply enjoying the beauty of the earth. At a cross road, he saw a man in grief praying earnestly.
The man recognized the Buddha and fell on his knees. He cried, "Lord Buddha, life is indeed bitter and painful! I was once a man with great wealth, living a life of ease and happiness. By trikery and deceit, those I trusted and loved took everything from me. I am now a wretched man with no one to turn to. How many more times must I be reborn into this world of suffering before I can be librated?"
Pointing to the mango tree by the road, the Buddha said, "Do you see that mango tree? You must be reborn as many times as the number of mangoes on that tree before you know the bliss of liberation from the sufferings of this fleeting world."
Seeing that there are at least dozens of mangoes hanging on the tree, the man gasped, "But Lord! I have lived a righteous life in accord with the precepts! Why am I condemned to suffer so much longer?"
The Buddha sighed. "That is the way it must be." And he continued his walk.
He came across another man praying by the road and this man too, fell on his knees and cried, "Lord Buddha, life is indeed bitter and painful. I have lost all those I loved to the king of death. I am now forlorn and lonely. Life is full of anguish. How many more times must I be reborn into this world of suffering before I know the bliss of liberation?"
The Buddha pointed to the field of wild flowers along the road and said, "Before you know the bliss of liberation from the sufferings of this fleeting world, you must be reborn as many times as the number of flowers in that field."
Seeing so many hundreds of flowers in the field, the man cried, "But Lord! I have done many good deeds and have followed you teachings by heart. Why must I endure so much more suffering?"
The Buddha sighed, "That is how it must be." And he continued on his way.
When he came across a tamarind tree, another man fell down on his knees and cried before him, "Oh Lord! Life is full of suffering! During the days I toiled like a slave under the scathing sun; at night I have nothing to sleep on except a pile of grass on the cold, damped earth. Life is nothing but hunger, thirst and loneliness! How many more times must I be reborn into this world of suffering before I know the bliss of liberation?"
The Buddha looked up to the tamarind tree--each branch of it bearing many stems and each stem has dozens of leaves. The Buddha said, "Look at that tamarind tree. Before you know the bliss of liberation from the sufferings of this fleeting world, you must be reborn as many times as the number of leaves on that tamarind tree."
As the man looked up at the tamarind tree and its thousands of leaves, his eyes filled with tears of gratitude and joy. "How merciful!" he said as he prostrated to the ground at the Buddha's feet.
To this day the tamarind's seeds are the symbol of faithfulness and forbearance.

Rahu in India

The famous temple of Naganathar-Girigujambigai in Tirunageswaram, Thanjavur district, houses the equally famous shrine of Rahu Bhagavan and his two consorts.
On February 2, 1986, the molted skin of a 5-foot-long snake was found draped over the Rahu idol. It is still preserved in the temple for darshan.
Those who hope to get married, tie a yellow thread to the vanni tree on the temple premises. People with naga dosha also do pariharam in this Navagraha sthala by donating a stone naga idol and worship here. If a snake enters their house, to ward off its evil effects, people donate brass nagas to the temple and worship it.

Astrologers say that if Rahu is in a 'good position' in one's horoscope, then the man will get a good wife, good servant and acquire great wealth. He will even succeed in politics and get a chance to rule.

praying to Rahu during Rahu kaalam on Sunday can ensure a good life and prosperity. According to belief, a person with Rahu dosham should also pray to Goddess Durgai and Lord Nagaraja.

Generally, auspicious occasions are not celebrated during the Rahu kaalam.
Rahu takes one-and-a-half years to move from one graham to another.

Those afflicted with leprosy, diseases of the intestines, cough and boils can get relief by praying to Rahu.

Thursday, 22 November 2007

Myanmar Astrology - Rahu

There are few countries in the world today in which tradition has such a strong influence on everyday life as it has in Myanmar. Let us observe the path of life a typical Myanmar goes through.Childhood Years, from Birth to Marriage: Seven days after birth, the baby's parents invite friends to a naming ceremony. The youngster is given a name based on astrological calculations, and it need bear no relation to that of the parents.There are Thirty Three alphabets in Myanmar Literature.These alphabets are divided into eight category belonging to eight birthday planets, and the alphabet of each category represents the day of the birth.

It is little strange, because there are eight days a week according to Myanmar Astrology.The reason is that the mid week day, Wednesday is divided into two days; until 6 p.m. it is Wednesday, but after to the midnight it is Rahu's day. The baby's is name is based on his/her birth days, and the astrologer will give the suitable names on the base of his Astrological Calculation of which is to be chosen by the patients.Whatever the method the astrologer's use his calculation, the following alphabet is to be included.

Birthday and Represented Alphabet:
Monday - Ka, kha, Ga, Gha, Nga
Tuesdays - Sa, hsa, za, sha, nya
Saturday - ta, hta, da, dha, na
Thursday - pa, hpa, ba, bha, ma
Wednesday - la, wa
Rahu - ya, ra
Friday - tha, ha
Sunday - A, aha

Buddha's Quotes on Friends..

An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind

A GOOD friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals a secret of hidden treasure.

The rule of friendship means there should be mutual sympathy between them, each supplying what the other lacks and trying to benefit the other, always using friendly and sincere words.

Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend or a meaningful day -Dalai Lama

Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship - Dalai Lama

Friends are very important to us, we treasure our friends. There might be times when we have disputes and argument, but deep in my heart, those happy memories will always be in my mind.....

Buddha image sukothai

My Sukhothai buddha statue at home
Sukhothai, meaning the ''Dawn of Happiness'' was the first free Thai city founded in 1238.
While there were other Thai Kingdoms (like Lanna, Phayao and Chiang Saen) at the same time, the establishment of the Kingdom of Sukhothai in 1238 is often considered the start of Thai history proper. Sukhothai gained independence from a declining Khmer Empire. Monuments in the city show influence from prior Khmer rule.It is still regarded by Thai historical tradition as the " first Thai Kingdom " , it began life as a chiefdom under the sway of the Khmer empire: the oldest monuments in the city were built in the Khmer style or else show clear Khmer influence.
In 1378, the Ayutthaya King BorommarachaI subdued Sukhothai's frontier city of Chakangrao "Kamphaengphet", and henceforth Sukhothai became a tributary state of Ayutthaya. Sukhothai later attempted to break loose from Ayutthaya but with no real success, until in the 15th century it was incorporated into the Ayutthaya kingdom as a province. Many Buddhist chetiya were built at Sri Satchanalai. After the reign of king Ramkhamhaeng, Sukhothai was ruled successively by other two kings, namely Phraya Le Thai and Phraya Ngua Num Thom. During the time of these two kings the power of Sukhothai declined. Some former colonies of Sukhothai declared its independent. Sukhothai later regained its power during the time of Phraya Li Thai. The reign of king Li Thai are considered as the golden age of Sukhothai arts. Numerous important Buddha images and religious buildings were built not only at Sukhothai, but also at Pitsanulok an Khamphaeng Phet towns. The King also sent Buddhist pilgrims to many towns in order to enlarge the Buddhist followers. After the death of king Li Thai the power of Sukhothai declined again. Finally, Sukhothai became an outpost town under the ruling of the new powerful kingdom centered in the area further to the south, the Ayutthaya kingdom. The Kingdom of Sukhothai had important contacts with Sri Lanka. Thai monks travelled to Sri Lanka for further religious instruction, and Sri Lankan monks settled in Sukhothai. Sukhothai religious art was thus influenced by Sri Lankan art. The Buddha images of the Sukhothai era gained important disdinguishing characteristics from the images during the Khmer and Mon era.A flame appeared on top of the head of the Buddha. The head is covered with fine curled hair. The face is oval, with high curving eyebrows, a hooked nose, a downward gaze, and overall displays a gentle smiling expression.The body of the Buddha images displays broad shoulders and a small waist. Overall it can be said that the Buddha Images do not appear human, but display idealistic or superhuman characteristics.During the Sukhothai era, the four postures of the Buddha (sitting, standing, walking, reclining) were created. Buddha images of the Sukhothai era are subdivided in several groups.
Sitting Buddha images of the Sukhothai period most often display meditation posture, or the gesture of Subduing Mara. Walking Buddhas display the gesture of dispelling fear (Abhaya Mudra), or giving instruction (Vitarka Mudra).

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Luang Phor Kasem

Luang Phor kasem, Susahn Trailak, Lampang BE 2455-2538.
Born 28/11/2455 in Jangwat Lampang he is the descendant of Lampang's King from the Lanna Period. He became a monk in BE2468 and went to Bangkok to study Pali language. He further his Pali studies in Wat Seelom and Wat Bunyawaht. He ordained at the age of 21 and became a disciple of Pra Krubah Gaen and went Tudong with his teacher in forest and cemeteries. Though he later became abbot of Wat Bunyeun, he continue his learning in Dhamma and Sammahdti practice. He realized that life is uncertain and in BE2492, he left Wat Bunyeun to a cemetery in Lampang. He would sit in front of the burial place and watch the burning of corpse. Whether in hot sun or raining, Luang Por would just sit quietly and watched the corpse being burned to ashes. Luang Por Kasem ever sat in sammahdti for as long as 3 months, without shelter under hot sun or heavy rain. Even his robes were wet by the rain or during cold season, when the cold wind blows, Luang Por Kasem would just sit quietly and not complain and asked for anything. He had let go of everything and steadfast in his practice of dhamma and sammahdti. He ever go without food for 49 days. Since BE2514, Luang Por Kasem only bathed once a year, but there is no stench or foul odor from his body, even his sweat was pouring under the hot sun. More surprisingly, without shelter and mosquito net, Luang Por Kasem never suffered a bite from mosquito at the cemetery. Luang Por Kasem carried nothing with him. His only possession was an alms bowl, his robe which he was wearing and a piece of human bone for him to practice sammahdti. He did not even have any footwear. Luang Por Kasem ever mentioned that he is a forest monk and does not required any possession. He was contented with a piece of robe covering his body. Whatever things that the layman gave to him, Luang Por Kasem would give away to other monks. Luang Por Kasem never used a pillow to sleep, because to him, a pillow is a luxury. Luang Por Kasem would sleep with his body in full prostrate position and would sleep at the same spot where he sat in sammahdti. He was very determined to find the truth of life. He asked for nothing in life though he can enjoy the luxuries in life as he was the descendants of royal blood in Lampang.
Luang Por Kasem died in BE2538 at the age of 83


鼠 - -千手观音 ~~ 千手观音是大慈悲的象征,她能够默默的保佑您度过各种难关、消除各种病痛,当您运气旺时,能使您更加辉煌,当运气低落时,能够消除各种障碍,化解各种灾难,使您顺利度过关口,达到一生幸福、平安吉祥。 (千手观音生日:农历二月十九)

牛, 虎-- 虚空藏菩萨AKASAGARBHA~~虚空藏菩萨是诚实、富有的象征。不虚不空是佛界的财神,能够使您避开破财、败财的灾难,使您财路畅通无阻,且能生财聚财,得八方贵人相助,远离小人,人财俱旺。

兔 -- 文殊菩萨~~文殊菩萨是大智慧的象征,能开发智慧,提高悟性,尤其能帮助小孩学业有成、官人福禄双增、商人增财增福。该本命佛能保佑兔年出生的人,增加创造力、开发力,使您在竞争中战胜对手,使事业飞黄腾达。文殊菩萨生日:农历四月初四

龙, 蛇-- 普贤菩萨Samantabhadra世称为十大愿王只要能虔诚信奉,普贤菩萨将与诸大菩萨一起出现守护此人,使他身心安稳,不受一切烦恼魔障之侵普贤菩萨具有延命益寿之不可思议的力量普贤菩萨生日:农历二月二十一

马 -- 大势至菩~~是阿弥陀佛的右胁侍者,又称大精进菩萨,简称为势至大势至菩萨能够给您智慧之光,使您在人生道路上一帆风顺,事业有成,佛光永照,化煞化凶,吉祥如意,使您能够随佛光道路前进,发挥自我的一切智慧,达到理想的境界。大势至菩萨生日:农历七月十三

羊, 猴 -- 大日如来~~是佛教密宗至高无上的本尊,是密宗最高阶层的佛,为佛教密宗所尊奉最高神明大日如来是光明理智的象征,能够保护您,给您带来光明理智,除妖避邪,能使您通天地之灵气,取万物之精华,勇往直前,光明快乐。大日如来生日:农历四月初八

鸡 -- 不动尊菩萨Acalanatha~~不动明王为佛教密宗八大明王首座,具有在遇到任何困难的时候,均能扫除障难,并不为动摇之意。不动明王显现愤怒像,使侵扰众生之邪魔畏惧而远离,使众生于修行路上不致动摇善念菩提心。 不动尊菩萨是理性的象征,能够默默保护您,能使您在人生的道路上知错知过,把握人生的每一次机遇,很好的利用自身的智慧,应付种种困境,使您事业有成,家庭幸福,吉祥如意。

狗 , 猪–- 阿弥陀佛amitaba~~阿弥陀佛代表光明无量,寿命无量,能够默默守护狗年和猪年出生的人,通天智慧,摆脱烦恼,不疲不倦,与社会与家庭共创人生佛业。阿弥陀佛生日:农历十一月十七(其实是永明延寿大师的生日,因为永明延寿大师被公认为是阿弥陀佛再来,因此以此作为阿弥陀佛的生日。)

Tuesday, 20 November 2007


I'm born in the year of Rabbit and it is believe that my guardian Buddha is the Buddha Manjusri(文殊菩薩). Manjusri is the bodhisattva of keen awareness in Buddhism. A disciple of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni (释迦牟尼), he represents wisdom, intelligence and realisation, and is one of the most popular Bodhisattvas following Guan Yin .
Together with Shakyamuni and fellow disciple Samantabhadra(普賢菩薩) he forms the Shakyamuni trinity . Manjusri is one of the Eight Wisdom Bodhisattvas and one of the Japanese Thirteen Buddhas. In Tibetan Buddhism he sometimes is depicted in a trinity with Avalokiteshvara(观世音菩薩) and Vajrapani(金剛手菩薩) .
Manjusri is mentioned in many Mahayana sutras, particularly the Prajnaparamita Sutras. The Lotus Sutra assigns him a paradise called Vimala, which according to the Avatamsaka Sutra is located in the east. His consort in some traditions is Saraswati. He is also sometimes called Manjughosha.
Within Tibetan Buddhism, Manjushri is a tantric meditational deity or Yidam, and considered a fully enlightened Buddha.

Manjusri Mantra
Chanting the Manjusri Mantra "Om Ah Ra Pa Tsa Na Dhih" is believed to enhance wisdom and improve one's skills in debating, memory, writing, explaining etc. "Dhih" is the seed syllable of the mantra and is chanted with greater emphasis.

The Sakya Muni Buddha Gaya Temple

Last Saturday I went to The Sakya Muni Buddha Gaya Temple ( 释迦牟尼菩提迦耶寺) located at Race course Road.The temple is one of the most prominent and widely visited Buddhist temples in Singapore, often referred to as the Temple of 1,000 Lights. It features a 15-meter high statue of a seated Buddha, which weighs nearly 300 tons, as well as many smaller Buddha
images and murals depicting the life of Shakyamuni Buddha.
The Large central statue is surrounded by stylized aura made of numerous light bulbs--often lit during evening hours--from which the temple derives its nickname. In a small room beneath the altar is an image of a reclining Buddha, Buddha towards the end of his life, under a Yellow Seraka Tree. Other artifacts include a wax model of Ghandhi, a figure of the Hindu elephant God, Ganesh and a huge Buddha Foot with mother-of-pearl. The architecture and decor are strongly influenced by the Thais.

The Sakya Muni Buddha Gaya Temple was founded in 1927 by a Thai monk called Vutthisara.

On Vesak Day, the annual holiday celebrating the birth and enlightenment of the Buddha, devotees donate money to the temple and in exchange are allowed to place gold leaf onto a small statue of the Buddha. As the day wears on, the Buddha is almost entirely covered in a fresh layer of gold leaf.

The temple is open between 8.00 am and 4.45 pm daily. Admission is free

The Precepts - 五蘊

The first five precepts are mandatory for every Buddhist, although the fifth precept is often not observed, because it bans the consumption of alcohol. Precepts no. six to ten are laid out for those in preparation for monastic life and for devoted lay people unattached to families. The eight precepts put together number eight and nine and omit the tenth. Lay people may observe the eight precepts on Buddhist festival days. Ordained Theravada monks undertake no less than 227 precepts, which are not listed here.

To show that one is resolved to observe the Precepts, a Buddhist may recite them before a Buddha image or repeat them after a monk. "I undertake to observe the precept to abstain from ...
  • Harming living beings.
  • Taking things not freely given.

  • Sexual misconduct.
  • False speech.

  • Intoxicating drinks and drugs causing heedlessness.

  • Taking untimely meals.

  • Dancing, singing, music and watching grotesque mime.

  • use of garlands, perfumes and personal adornment.

  • Use of high seats.

  • accepting gold or silver.

The ceremony for receiving the precepts is usually after the ceremony of going for the Threefold Refuge.
The Five Precepts are recommendations given by the Buddha proposed to be lived by one who wishes to lead a peaceful life while contributing to the happiness of family and society. Following the precepts blindly without Wisdom and understanding is never encouraged.

May all beings be happy hearted!


The Four Reliances

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.
First, rely on the spirit and meaning of the teachings, not on the words; Second, rely on the teachings, not on the personality of the teacher; Third, rely on real wisdom, not superficial interpretation; And fourth, rely on the essence of your pure Wisdom Mind, not on judgmental perceptions.~~~The Four Reliances

Monday, 19 November 2007

The Noble Eightfold Path 八正道


1. Right View : right perspective, right vision or right understanding. This element of the Noble Eightfold Path refers explicitly to the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism, stating that these must be fully understood by the Buddhist practitioner.

2. Right Intention : can also be translated as "right thought", "right resolve", or "right aspiration" or "the exertion of our own will to change".

Ethical Conduct

3. Right Speech - as the name implies, deals with the way in which a Buddhist practitioner would best make use of his or her words.

4. Right Action - can also be translated as "right conduct" and, as the name implies, deals with the proper way in which a Buddhist practitioner would act in his or her daily life

5. Right Livelihood - is based around the concept of harmlessness, and essentially states that Buddhist practitioners ought not to engage in trades or occupations which, either directly or indirectly, result in harm to other living beings or systems.

Mental Development

6. Right Effort - can also be translated as "right endeavor", and involves the Buddhist practitioner's continuous effort to, essentially, keep his or her mind free of thoughts that might impair his or her ability to realize or put into practice the other elements of the Noble Eightfold Path.

7. Right Mindfulness - also translated as "right memory", together with right concentration, is concerned broadly with the practice of Buddhist meditation.

8. Right Concentration - together with right mindfulness, is concerned broadly with the practice of Buddhist meditation.

  • 正見 - 又作諦見。相對於妄想而言,指的是正確的佛理知見.
  • 正思维 - 又作正志、諦念。指正確思維,以引發起產生如理如實的智慧
  • 正语 - 又作正言、諦語。指純正淨善的語言,合乎佛法的言論。也就是不妄語、不慢語、不惡語、不謗語、不綺語、不暴語,遠離一切戲論。
  • 正嶪 - 又作正行、諦行。指正當的合乎佛教的活動、行為、工作。也就是不殺生、不偷盜、不邪淫,不作一切惡行。
  • 正命 - 指正當的謀生手段,即按佛教的標準謀求衣食住行的必需品,遠離一切不正當的職業。
  • 正精进 - 又作正方便、正治、諦治。謂正確的努力,止惡修善、去惡從善,自覺努力、令未生之惡心不生,已生者令斷;使未生之善心生起,已生的善心臻於完善。
  • 正念 - 指經由以上的階段修學佛法,由聞熏正見離開妄想起始,進而思惟修行正法,除去不如實不如理的妄想分別,精進正行努力不懈,憶持正法,明記佛法,念念不忘進修佛教真理。
  • 正定 - 又作禪法諦定,有別於外教法的禪定修證,而特別要求佛弟子對佛法要有堅定不疑的定見見諦。指經由以上的階段修學佛法,而發起了正念定見,對於如實如理佛法決定不疑,而正身端作,專心一志,身心寂靜,深入一心,精進禪法與禪定的修證。

The Four Noble Truths 四真谛

The Four Noble Truths
  1. Life means suffering : birth is suffering, aging is suffering, illness is suffering, death is suffering; union with what is displeasing is suffering; separation from what is pleasing is suffering; not to get what one wants is suffering

  2. The origin of suffering is attachment : it is this craving which leads to renewed existence accompanied by delight and lust, seeking delight here and there, that is, craving for sensual pleasures craving for existence, craving for extermination.

  3. The cessation of suffering is attainable : is the noble truth of the cessation of suffering: it is the remainderless fading away and cessation of that same craving, the giving up and relinquishing of it, freedom from it, nonreliance on it."

  4. The path to the cessation of suffering : is the noble truth of the way leading to the cessation of suffering


  • 苦谛 - 说明世间有情悉皆是苦,即所谓有漏皆苦

  • 集谛 - 造成苦的原因,分「」、「」、「」三毒. 推至最後,眾生的本心、佛性、智慧 為「無明」所障敝。

  • 灭谛 - 又名涅槃,明集谛理,断尽烦恼业,则得解脱;

  • 道谛 - 随顺趣向涅槃之道


Sunday, 18 November 2007

Compatible Chinese Zodiac Sign 贵人生肖


  • People born in the Year of the Rat (鼠) - Dragon(龙), Monkey(猴) and Ox(牛).

  • People born in the Year of the Ox (牛) - Rooster(鸡), Snake(蛇), and Rat(鼠).

  • People born in the Year of the Tiger (虎) - Horse(马), Dragon(龙), and Dog(狗).

  • People born in the Year of the Rabbit (兔) - Sheep(羊), Pig(猪), and Dog(狗).

  • People born in the Year of the Dragon (龙) - Rat(鼠), Snake(蛇), Monkey(猴), and Rooster(鸡).

  • People born in the Year of the Snake (蛇) - Ox(牛) and Rooster(鸡).

  • People born in the Year of the Horse (马) - Tiger(虎), Dog(狗), and Sheep(羊).

  • People born in the Year of the Sheep (羊) - Rabbit(兔), Pig(猪), and Horse(马).

  • People born in the Year of the Monkey (猴) - Dragon(龙) and Rat(鼠).

  • People born in the Year of the Rooster (鸡) - Ox(牛), Snake(蛇), and Dragon(龙).

  • People born in the Year of the Dog (狗) - Horse(马), Tiger(虎), and Rabbit(兔).

  • People born in the Year of the Pig (猪) - Rabbit(兔) and Sheep(羊).

Incompatible Chinese Zodiac Sign


  • People born in the year of Rat ( 鼠) - Horse (马)
  • People born in the year of Cow (牛) - Sheep ( 羊)
  • People born in the year of Tiger (虎) - Monkey (猴)
  • People born in the year of Rabbit( 兔) - Rooster (鸡)
  • People born in the year of Dragon(龙) - Dog (狗)
  • People born in the year of Snake(蛇) - Pig ( 猪)
  • People born in the year of Horse(马) - Rat (鼠)
  • People born in the year of Sheep(羊) - Ox(牛)
  • People born in the year of Monkey(猴) - Tiger(虎)
  • People born in the year of Rooster(鸡) - Rabbit(兔)
  • People born in the year of Dog(狗) - Dragon(龙)
  • People born in the year of Pig(猪) - Snake(蛇)

    I wanted to come up with this topic because I was a victim. I was betrayed by someone who was my incompatible sign. I have always treated him like a younger brother/nephew, but i think I'm wrong. Anyway, I'm not going to be angry for long, in fact I'm not angry but disappointed because I don't see what have he got to gain by betraying me. Anyway, I'll forgive him and I really wished that he will come to his sense soon.

Friday, 16 November 2007

分享 - 广结善缘

当你快乐时,你要想,这快乐不是永恒的,当你痛苦时你要想这痛苦也不是永恒的.当你烦恼的时候,你就要告诉你自己,这一切都是假的,你烦恼什么? 你根本不必回头去看咒骂你的人是谁,毕竟如果有一条疯狗咬你一口,难道你也要趴下去反咬他一口吗? 永远不要浪费你的一分一秒,去想任何你不喜欢的人, 人 活着一天,就是有福气,就该珍惜。

当我哭泣我没有鞋子穿的时候,我发现有人却没有脚, 每一个人都拥有生命,但并非每个人都懂得生命,乃至于珍惜生命。不了解生命的人,生命对他来说,是一种惩罚.

在这个世界上没有一个永远不被毁谤的人,也没有一个永远被赞叹的人。当你话多的时候,别人要批评你,当你话少的时候,别人也会想要批评你,当你沈默的时候,别人还是要批评你! 在这个世界上,没有一个人是不被批评的, 你目前所拥有的都将随着你的死亡而成为他人的,那为何不现在就布施给真正需要的人呢?

分享 - 不要自寻烦恼

与其说是别人让你痛苦,不如说自己的修养不够。如果你不给自己烦恼,别人也永远不可能给你烦恼。因为你自己的内心,你放不下. 你要包容那些意见跟你不同的人,这样子日子比较好过。你要是一直想改变他,那样子你会很痛苦。要学学怎样忍受他,包容他才是.

  • 你永远要感谢给你逆境的众生。
  • 你随时要认命,因为你是人。
  • 每一种创伤,都是一种成熟
  • 当你知道迷惑时,并不可怜, 当你不知道迷惑时,才是最可怜的。
  • 狂妄的人有救,自卑的人没有救

Thursday, 15 November 2007

分享 - 快乐




Wednesday, 14 November 2007








Tuesday, 13 November 2007

The Goddess of Fortune at Wat Sutha

美女神. 右手持招財手印,眼睛就是寶石 獨具慧眼 可看到任何的事物這位法力無邊的女財神,祂掌管著八方之財,並守護於中央位置據說女神除了會幫忙招來客源、八方的財運、並守住財庫之外祂的慈愛,還彷如慈母般,會照顧信眾的身體健康於是在泰國的母親節法會時,許多百姓都前來聽經修法除了是功德一件之外,更是祈願女神護佑偉大的母親,身體健康.

This statue can be found at Wat Sutha. It's said to be the Goddess of Fortune. Many came to her not only for the luck and money, but the blessing for good health.

Wat Suthat ( Great Swing)
Location: 146 Banrung Muang Road
Open: 0830-1700
Admission: 20baht

Monday, 5 November 2007

Trip to the Old Folks Home

I'm really looking forward to the visiting of the Old Folks Home. The trip was postponed umpteen times since 2 years ago, with people telling me to gather info but each time my effort was down the drain because they will come up with all sorts of excuses not to contribute and not to go down. This time round, although it's only 3 of us, I believe it will be a fruitful trip.

Next saturday morning, we will be preparing lunch for the old folks and we will have lunch with them too! According to the person in charge, the lunch session with the folks have always been something which they look forward to. Some folks even refused to go home because when they are at home, they felt lonely. There is nobody to eat with them, even if they have childrens at home.

I fully understand their feeling because I known of this aunty, very rich, many children, but lonely. She is staying in a big house with her son and daughter-in-law, but I know she is feeling very "empty" deep in her heart. I still remember last year when i went to visit her with my hubby, she almost fainted because she have not been eating and according to the maid, she always ask the maid not to cook her share as she have no appetite. So my hubby told her we would like to have dinner with her, if she don't mind, I will cook porridge for her. So ended up 3 of us had porridge, fried egg and fried cabbage together with some lor bak from my house. It was a very simple fare and it doesn't cost much. But we had a great time. She ate a big bowl of porridge and i can see the happiness on her face. It's sad, so what if she is rich, she is lonely! All she wanted was someone to sit down and have dinner with her. Old folks can be stubborn at times and especially after cooking for the whole family, sometime she lost the appetite to eat. All it takes is just some coaxing and patients to get them to sit down.

I felt bad that I have not been visiting her or calling her. It's just inconvenient for us to do so anymore. Frankly speaking, I was close with uncle and aunty because I always felt that I was indebted to someone and I wanted to make up for it. But after knowning the 2 old folks, I know I take them like my parent, but since they are so rich, we are from 2 different world, I guess best is to stay away to avoid people from gossiping. I believe now that the son is married, the house will be more lively and she won't need us anymore so I shall divert our attention to the needy old folks.

Like i said to Rahu, be the merit goes to Rahu, my deceased parent and also Uncle.

Sunday, 4 November 2007

LP Key - Wat Silamyong

There is something about this monk from Surin whom i wanted to share. I met an uncle yesterday. He told me, LP Key was one special monk who actually come up with almost S$5000 for someone whom he thought he can trust to do Charity work. To be precise, he used the donation he have from his temple, give the money to a group of people and told them to use the money in good ways, help the needy, do charity work. Wow, this is really something new. Usually, it's we people who give donation to temple and not the other way round. But with a heart of compassionate and for all we know S$5k is definitely not a small amount for the Thais, he offer his part of contribution.

I think this is a lesson which we must learn from him. Always have the compassionate heart. Help the needy. Action and not just by empty promises, though sometime people whom we trusted may not always be true to us, but so long as our mind and intention is clear, we shouldn't be too bothered about what others said about us.

Thai Birthday colors and Buddha Image

Monday ( Yellow )
Character : Good memory, serious, love to travel
Optimum profession : trader, doctor,nurse,fisherman
Very lucky day / colour : Saturday / Black
Lucky day / colour : Wednesday (day) / green
Unlucky day/colour: Sunday / orange
Buddha : Pang Ham Yath, making peace

Tuesday ( Pink )
Character : brave,active,broad and serious mind
Optimum profession: policeman, soldier,chemist,cook,hairdresser
Very lucky day / color: Thursday / yellow
Lucky day/color: Saturday / Black
Unlucky day/color: Monday / White
Buddha: Pang Sai Yas, reclining Buddha

Wednesday ( Green )
Character: ambitious, gregarious, fun loving
Optimum profession: banker, singer, musician, artist, designer
Very Lucky day/color : Wednesday (night) / light green
Lucky day/color: Thursday / yellow
Unlucky day/color: Tuewsday / pink
Buddha : Pang Um Baatr, holding the alms-bowl

Wednesday Night ( Light Green)
Character: hardworking, diligent, honest
Optimum profession: writer, poet, doctor, scientist, actor, archaeologist
Very lucky day/color: Monday / white
Lucky day/color: Sunday / orange
Unlucky day/color: Thursday / yellow
Buddha : Pang Par Lelai, the blessed one

Thursday ( Orange )
Character: good heart , graceful, tranquil, honest
Optimum profession: judge, lawyer, teacher, clergyman
Very Lucky day/color: Sunday / orange
Lucky day/color: Friday / blue
Unlucky day/color: Saturday / black
Buddha: Pang Samah Thi, meditation

Friday ( Blue )
Character: ambitious, gregarious, fun loving
Optimum profession: banker, singer, musician, artist, designer
Very Lucky day/color: Tuesday / Pink
Lucky day/color: Monday / white
Unlucky day/color: Wednesday (night) / light green
Buddha: Pang ram Pueng, contemplation

Saturday ( Purple )
Character: logical, tranquil, reclusive
Optimum profession: agriculturist, constructor, miner, bailiff
Very Lucky day/color: Friday / blue
Lucky day/color: Wednesday (night) / light green
Unlucky day/color: Wednesday / green
Buddha: Pang Naga Prok, protection

Sunday ( Red )
Character: respectable, carefree, wise, and beloved by both friends and relatives
Optimum profession: manager, official, doctor, trader, craftman
Very Lucky day/color: Wednesday / green
Lucky day/color: Tuesday / pink
Unlucky day/color: Friday / blue
Buddha: Pang Tawai Natra, restraint

Saturday, 3 November 2007

Thai Birthday Colours

In Thai tradition, there is an astrological rule (which has influence from Hindu mythology) that assigns color for each day of the week. The color is assigned based on the color of the God who protecting the day or Navagraha . For example, the God of Sunday is Surya which has red color. These colors of the day are the traditional Thai birthday colors. For example, King Bhumipol was born on Monday, so on his birthday throughout Thailand will be decorated with yellow color.signs color for each day of the week.

English name Thai name Transcription ( Planet )
Sunday วันอาทิตย์ wan athit ( Sun )
Monday วันจันทร์ wan chan ( Moon )
Tuesday วันอังคาร wan angkhan ( Mars )
Wednesday วันพุธ wan phut ( Mercury )
Thursday วันพฤหัสบดี wan pharuehat(sabodi) ( Jupiter )
Friday วันศุกร์ wan suk ( Venus )
Saturday วันเสาร์ wan sao ( Saturn )

Friday, 2 November 2007

Fortune Telling

Many people want to know their future, they spend money to have their fortune told. Some are pleased with their fortune, but some are disappointed with theirs. They do not want to know it naturally, they cannot wait until the time comes, but they want to see their future immediately. That’s why there is one career which can make a lot of money for a certain group of people called ‘fortune tellers’. Some say that their fortune telling is very true, and believe that. Even though sometimes the telling is bad, they still believe in it and live with bad telling. They never believe in their ability, they just believe in some one whom they do not really know. It is very strange that they give him money to foretell their lives, or fix their future saying ‘you have to be like this’.

This is not Buddhist point of view, Buddhism never teaches people to believe in the unproven. Its fundamental beliefs are that ‘life is impermanent or uncertain, life is suffering from ignorance, and life is without a permanent entity or self’. Life is uncertain, but one thing the Buddha taught the world Life is in your hands, you can rule your life. Don’t give your life into other people’s hands’ and he added, "Human beings have an ability to develop their lives, to overcome their own problem or suffering". Should we believe in someone whom we do not know, or should we believe in the great teacher? This question we have to consider and answer. A Thai proverb says, "A fortune teller is a blind guesser". This is one science that people can learn; they just collect the information and collate it and foretell the future. Some examine the lines on the palm of the hand and foretell the future. There is a strong belief that meditation masters are very good at fortune telling. With this belief, people flock to the temple to ask them to tell their fortune.

There is no right or wrong, but it's clear that - Life is uncertain. No one can predict life’s events; it keeps changing all the time. So why are we seeking advice from stranger regarding our life and can we really escape or change our destiny? Think about it.....

eckhart tolle